The beloved animated series The Simpsons has been running for more than three decades now. And, 31 years later, one…
Browsing: the simpsons
The Simpsons is easily one of the most iconic animated shows ever made. Of course, with the series having been…
The hit animated sitcom The Simpsons is currently on its 34th season. As a special treat, however, it looks like…
Fans have been taking advantage of Disney’s ownership over The Simpsons. The hit animated series has been available on the…
Many fans have started to recognize The Simpsons for a number of surprising predictions that seem to have come true…
At a time when “whitewashing” is mostly frowned upon by the modern day public, it’s been revealed that two popular…
The Simpsons began as a series of shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show. Then Fox premiered half-hour episodes in 1989.…
One of the most exciting additions to Disney Plus thanks to the company’s acquisition of Fox is that they’d be…
Earlier this week, the long awaited Disney streaming platform, Disney Plus, was released to the public – well, some of…
One of the most interesting perks that being a Disney Plus subscriber has is that you’ll receive access to the…