Thor: Ragnarok, the latest installment in the Thor franchise and Marvel Cinematic Universe, recently had its premiere at the Red…
Browsing: MCU
The Marvel Cinematic Universe, or more easily referred to as the MCU, is a franchise of superhero movie and television shows created by Marvel Studios.
As Thor: Ragnarok’s release draws near and early buzz predicts the film will be a Box Office smash, other news…
The release of Thor: Ragnarok is only weeks away and word around the camp fire is that it’s going to…
Back in July, the Avengers: Infinity War trailer leaked, though it wasn’t great quality. Marvel was quick to take down…
Spider-Man: Homecoming confused fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in regards to timeline. No one is really sure how it…
After Kevin Feige recently revealed that Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be the end of the MCU…
Marvel fans are patiently waiting the arrival of Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Infinity War, but might not be ready to…
Thor: Ragnarok had its world premiere yesterday in Los Angeles, and all the celebrities involved (and some that weren’t) were…
With the release of Thor: Ragnarok just weeks away, we’re all eager to see where the Asgardian’s latest adventure will…
There aren’t many criticisms that can be leveled at the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the regular inclusion of lackluster villains…