In an unexpected crossover, one of the Guardians of the Galaxy apparently shows up in a deleted scene from Thor:…
Browsing: MCU
The Marvel Cinematic Universe, or more easily referred to as the MCU, is a franchise of superhero movie and television shows created by Marvel Studios.
Marvel’s latest film, Black Panther, is currently kicking all sorts of ass in theaters all over the world – but…
Despite Marvel’s best efforts, 2017 was very much a DC year. Sure, Justice League may have (spectacularly) failed to set…
While T’Challa may be the one who is heading Marvel’s latest blockbuster Black Panther, it was his younger sister, Shuri,…
It’s only February and Black Panther is already one of the biggest movies of the year, and will stay that…
The Avengers: Infinity War trailer was the most watched of 2017, despite being released right before the end of the…
I’ve seen every Marvel movie in the theater on its opening weekend. In the beginning, one could certainly be forgiven…
Aside from all the silliness about counter-campaigns being run by disgruntled DC fanboys, and haters trying to spread fake news…
Last night on the Disney Channel, there was a special new look at Avengers: Infinity War. It didn’t really feature…
Black Panther is currently playing in theaters everywhere, and there’s a few stories going around Twitter saying that some white…