Author: Jacob Dressler

Micro-budget filmmaker and lover of all things horror.

It looks like Terminator creator James Cameron is busy planning a trilogy to reboot the franchise. While the original two films, both written and directed by Cameron, are considered some of the greatest films ever made – the later sequels have been considered some of the worst. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and Terminator Salvation tried to loosely continue the timeline, but Terminator: Genisys attempted to reboot it almost completely. The main connective tissue is that it brought back Arnold Schwarzenegger as an aging T-800, and for many fans it either made or broke that movie. In fact Genisys…

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Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn has explained to Marvel fans just how the rights between them and Fox regarding the Skrulls work – and how they were able to implement them for Captain Marvel. It’s a rather exciting concept, as most thought Marvel couldn’t use the Skrull race and that’s why they had used the Chitauri instead for The Avengers. Gunn began using Twitter to explain the issue to fans, saying that only certain Skrulls used in Fantastic Four are restricted for Fox’s use – and that both companies can use the race in general. Retweeting this from…

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If you’ve seen the trailer for Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One that was released this weekend, then you already know it was full of pop culture references. There’s Freddy Krueger, the Iron Giant, the cycle from Akira, and the DeLorean from Back to the Future. It’s a nonstop nostalgia-filled roller coaster ride. But there’s a vehicle in particular you may have missed from Stephen King’s Christine. At 1:41 in the trailer, when Rush’s song “Tom Sawyer” begins to play, you’ll see a shot of cars prepared to race. If you look close enough, you’ll notice one of them is Christine.…

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The official trailer for Marvel’s upcoming THOR: RAGNAROK has finally been released! The footage is very incredible, and could very easily be the Thor movie that everyone wants – not to mention the Planet Hulk film we all wanted as well. Many shots from the trailer look like a mural perfectly representative of Norse mythology, and let’s face it, that’s awesome. Check out the trailer down below! Imprisoned on the other side of the universe, the mighty Thor (Chris Hemsworth) finds himself in a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), his former ally and fellow…

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Kevin Feige has unveiled some very interesting news regarding the upcoming Captain Marvel adaptation at this year’s SDCC. This includes the villains of the film – which are revealed to be the Skrulls. Aside from that surprising news, it turns out the film will be set in the 1990s, and feature an appearance from Samuel Jackson’s Nick Fury! Best of all, Fury is said to be appearing with both eyes. Could this prequel show how he got the eyepatch? Perhaps during a battle with the Skrulls? There was also concept art for the Skrulls released, which showed that they were…

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While participating in a Q&A session, author Joe Hill had plenty to say regarding Andy Muschietti’s upcoming adaptation for Stephen King’s It. He reveals that he watched the film in an advanced screening a few weeks ago, and had absolutely loved the movie. He went as far as to call the movie one of the scariest ever made. “Andres’ adaptation of IT is one of the 5 scariest films ever made,” Hill exclaimed. “It’s tremendously humane. You love the characters in it. But it is just relentlessly terrifying.” He continued: “Only Jaws, The Exorcist, John Carpenter’s The Thing and Let…

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It’s just barely been revealed during the Legion panel at SDCC that writer Noah Hawley is working with 20th Century Fox to develop a standalone Doctor Doom film. Yeah, the iconic villain from Fantastic Four. Near the end of the panel, Hawley revealed that he was working on a project which he could only give a very slight hint about: “I’ll just say two words. The first one is Doctor and the next one is Doom.” As stated by THR, it looks like Hawley is writing the script with the intention to direct it himself. It looks like this is…

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For director Andy Muschietti, the new It film has been no easy task. He’s been dealing with not only staying faithful to the source material of the novel, but also living up to the expectations set by the 1990 miniseries. And now it appears that he isn’t actually a fan of the miniseries at all. While speaking with Variety, Muschietti spoke about writing the novel into two film scripts. He explained how his film will remain closer to the spirit of the novel in comparison to the miniseries despite various changes to King’s story: “Most of the people are excited…

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It looks like Sony’s Venom spin-off will be taking some cues from a few rather iconic horror directors. It was recently announced a few months ago that Sony had chosen Tom Hardy to portray Venom, and that they intended to use the character on his own without any Spider-Man connections. Of course, rumors persist that it may still be connected to Marvel’s cinematic universe, so only time will tell where Venom belongs. Meanwhile, Sony has made clear they want this film to be rated R, with sci-fi and horror elements. Now in response to Variety, Columbia Pictures president Sanford Panitch…

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As most of you know, Spider-Man: Homecoming ends with Peter Parker refusing Tony Stark’s offer to join Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and become one of The Avengers. Now it seems it initially ended quite differently. According to writers John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein, it would have ended identically to the comic Civil War #2, with Peter unmasking and revealing his identity to the world. While speaking to Yahoo! Movies, they revealed the following: “That scene with the press behind the door, that started off as a more clear opportunity for Peter to say to the world, ‘I Peter Parker, am…

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