One of the biggest movies of 2018 whose hype has carried over into 2019 is none other than Netflix’s Bird Box. The movie follows a group of blind-folded survivors led by Sandra Bullock’s own masked character, as they must navigate the apocalypse without risking seeing eldritch monsters. The monsters, naturally, drive anyone insane enough to kill themselves once they’re fully revealed. But that’s what makes this movie interesting – the monsters never are revealed. It’s been the center of plenty of speculation for fans, just what these beasts could look like. Apparently there was going to be a dream sequence…
Author: Jacob Dressler
It’s going to be a strange anniversary of the terrible Manson Family murders this year. It appears Hilary Duff will be starring in a strange reimagining of the tragic event, where she will play iconic real-life actress Sharon Tate in The Haunting of Sharon Tate. The film is expected to be released later this year in theaters and potentially with VOD, although no specific release date has yet been given for the film. In the movie’s plot… The Haunting of Sharon Tate re-imagines the last days of Sharon Tate’s life (Hilary Duff) before being tragically cut down at the age…
A Quiet Place happened to be one of the bigger horror film successes of 2018, and in today’s market that means a sequel is on the horizon. While most fans are excited to see A Quiet Place 2, don’t expect the movie to be closely connected to the first. In fact, John Krasinski suggests it’ll be told from another perspective entirely. According to, he explained his reasoning. “The idea for it is pretty simple. I’m writing now—I don’t have it fleshed out—but the thought that occurred to me, that really excited me about it, was that most sequels are…
One of the largest horror franchises happens to be the Amityville series of films, of which most people probably wouldn’t know there’s as many films as there are. While most of them focus on the supernatural aspect of things, with ghosts and possessions, a new film is coming that will focus on the original real-life DeFeo murders that inspired the whole thing in The Amityville Murders – and we now have our first trailer for it! Check it out below (as well as a first look picture after): The picture released last week: First Look at The Amityville Murders, Release…
Similar to how Halloween was recently rebooted again after the negative reception of Rob Zombie’s remakes, A Nightmare on Elm Street was also supposed to receive another reboot after the 2010 remake starring Jackie Earle Haley was negatively received. The news was first revealed in 2015 when The Conjuring 2 writer David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick was signed on to write the screenplay. There hasn’t been any news since, however McGoldrick has finally updates fans with the film’s progress – of which there hasn’t been much. Speaking with Gamespot, the writer revealed: “It’s still happening. Nothing is percolating just yet. The Conjuring…
It hasn’t been very long since we heard the sad news that actor Steve Dash, the legend behind Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th Part 2, had an unfortunate death. Now yet another iconic horror film actor has passed away. This time it was The Thing actor Donald Moffat, who according to the New York Times passed away due to complications from a recent stroke. The actor wasn’t just known for John Carpenter’s 1982 cult classic The Thing, however. His resume spans decades of various Hollywood films and shows, including Night Gallery, Earthquake, Logan’s Run, The Right Stuff, The Bonfire…
Another legendary Friday the 13th icon has sadly passed away – this time Steve Dash at age 74. He seems to have died after a struggle with diabetes, according to the Monster Mania convention. It’s even more unfortunate because he’d been keeping fans up to date with social media, and even happened to be in good spirits at the time. “I have an update on my condition. They’re amputating my left leg tomorrow afternoon. It’s been pretty tough suffering from diabetes, blood clots and a bad heart over the last year. I welcome the decision I’ve made because I will…
As a lifelong Leprechaun fan, I never thought that we’d get another true entry in the original franchise. While an ideal sequel would once again see Warwick Davis under the makeup, Linden Porco isn’t a bad replacement. And thus Leprechaun Returns functions as the sequel I and many other fans needed. The movie has an edge that no other sequel in the series possesses. That is, it works as a direct sequel to the 1993 original film. It even brings back not just the Leprechaun but fan favorite actor Mark Holton reprises his role as Ozzie. Because of this, there’s…
Are your Tromatons tingling? They should be, because it’s just been announced that Legendary Pictures has acquired the rights to remake The Toxic Avenger. While original Toxic Avenger director Lloyd Kaufman was supposedly working on another sequel, it seems the plans have once again turned to remake the iconic 80’s character. While there aren’t any details on the movie, it’ll be interesting to see how they approach it – especially considering Troma who created the character are best known for being trashy and, frankly, the complete opposite of mainstream cinema. So it will definitely be different seeing the franchise get…
The world may have finally lost its mind. Streaming is usually praised as a convenient alternative to buying or renting physical movies. But now there’s one film available for rent in HD on Amazon that’s a shocking $1,000,000.99! Or, you could save yourself some cash and rent it in standard definition quality for the incredibly lower price of $999,999.99. It’s obviously just the result of some bizarre viral marketing stunt, but clearly it’s worked otherwise it wouldn’t be going viral. Now whether or not anyone would willingly pay that much money for whatever maniacal film Llamageddon might be is another…