The sequel to The Boy, titled Brahms: The Boy 2, was originally going to make its premiere this year. The film would’ve been released on July 26, close to the same time frame as the Child’s Play remake and Annabelle Comes Home. But, for whatever reason, probably to keep itself from competing with the larger franchise films, the movie had been pushed back to an undetermined date. Now the new date has been announced – and the sequel will be getting released on February 21, 2020. While release date delays like these aren’t always a good sign, it could’ve been…
Author: Jacob Dressler
As the Halloween season continues to develop over the course of October, many festive people are excited to begin planning and wearing costumes. However, for the students at Michigan State University, it seems the school has some strict guidelines regarding what makes students’ costumes politically correct and how they should be worn. The school’s Residence Education and Housing Services began sharing posters which asked the question, “Is Your Costume Racially, Culturally, or Ethnically Based?” The poster most notably features an imagine captioned “Costume #Fails” with examples of people’s costumes which weren’t politically correct. For example, there’s a man dressed as…
One of the most beloved cult classic 1980’s horror films is none other than Fred Dekker’s Night of the Creeps. The movie showed an amazing love of the genre which inspired it – literally everything from slasher movies to 1950’s sci-fi flicks. But the amazing script was also carried by a stellar cast featuring Jason Lively, Steve Marshall, Jill Whitlow, Allan Kayser, and Tom Atkins. Now Atkins himself as let slip that Fred Dekker is planning a potential return to the Night of the Creeps universe – and the original cast is coming along! Tom Atkins explained the exciting situation…
When the first film titled The Grudge was released to theaters in 2004, it received a PG-13 rating. The flick helped popularize the success of such horror films, and many have since been released with only PG-13. But with this new interpretation of The Grudge being directed by Nicolas Pesce, it looks like he really is going darker with it – because it’s now an officially R-Rated The Grudge film. More specifically, for its “disturbing violence and bloody images, terror and some language.” The reasoning for the R-rating definitely makes sense, especially when you look back at the trailer…
One of the most disturbing serial killers of the United States is John Wayne Gacy, a man who would work as a contractor for remodeling homes as well as working as a clown for birthday parties. John Wayne Gacy managed to murder 33 people over the years he was active – 29 of which were found on his property which is now for sale. The original house which John Wayne Gacy lived in was demolished in 1979 after investigators went looking for the remains of Gacy’s victims. By 1986, a new house was constructed over the property. Its address was…
Over the years, one thing that’s become quite common in the horror community is the popularity of fan films. They’ve not only allowed people with professional skills to create their own continuations to franchises like Friday the 13th, but helped keep the hype alive while studios waste time battling with rights or when to make a new movie. Now it looks like we’ll be getting a Nightmare on Elm Street fan film – albeit a direct sequel to New Nightmare titled Dylan’s New Nightmare – with actor Miko Hughes returning in the lead role! As you can see in the…
Netflix’s horror series from Mike Flanagan, The Haunting of Hill House, is finally arriving on Blu-ray via Paramount Home Entertainment on October 15. In order to entice viewers to purchase the new release, they’ve included three “Extended Director’s Cut” episodes which will feature never-before-seen content. If that wasn’t enough, the Haunting of Hill House release – which will be held on 3-Disc Blu-ray and 4-Disc DVD sets – will also include commentary by Flanagan on four episodes. Now thanks to Bloody-Disgusting, we have a new sneak peek at one of the extended sequences. What’s more, this new extended sequence has…
The first Hatchet film created by Adam Green is one of the few original modern slasher films that successfully spawned a franchise. Once Hatchet II came around, scream queen Danielle Harris became the series’ protagonist up until the release of Victor Crowley. That particular sequel, however, did tease a larger role for Danielle Harris should another film be produced – and according to Harris, that’s the plan. In fact, we could be getting two new Hatchet sequels. Danielle Harris was recently asked at Monster Mania 44 if we could expect anything else from the Hatchet franchise in the future. She…
Martin Scorsese recently made himself a target of every Marvel fan out there when he criticized the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He stated that Marvel’s films simply were “not cinema”. Obviously, such a statement is bound to prompt a response from anyone who reads it. And the latest celebrity to give their two cents is none other than director Kevin Smith. Kevin Smith was recently being interviewed by Yahoo Entertainment! and mentioned the Martin Scorsese quote while there discussing his upcoming Jay and Silent Bob Reboot. He decided to try and make sense of Scorsese’s comments, and explain why he may…
The upcoming film titled Daniel Isn’t Real from director Adam Egypt Mortimer has received another new trailer. The footage presented has some serious Jacob’s Ladder styled vibes throughout. And that should put it on every horror fan’s radar – after all, who doesn’t mind some bizarre imagery with their scares? Check out the trailer down below! Hopefully the new movie knows what it’s doing when playing with imagery and visuals, and still manages to present a story worthy of such tropes. After all, what’s the point of all the cool imagery going on if there’s no story to draw the…