Author: Jacob Dressler

Micro-budget filmmaker and lover of all things horror.

It has been an incredibly difficult time for everyone as the Coronavirus continues to spread and forces a strange new start to the year 2020. As some people have continued to raid stores for supplies, most popularly toilet paper, it appears that other individuals are more interested in purchasing firearms. However, the recent interest in buying guns during this time has upset one particularly famous individual – Taika Waititi, who fans may recognize as the director of Thor: Ragnarok. He voiced his displeasure over people buying guns during the Coronavirus outbreak in a tweet after sharing an article from News…

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The horror genre is almost always promising a vast amount of content ranging from absolutely silly shenanigans to some of the most brooding, horrific atmosphere imaginable. Here comes a film that reaches a bit closer to the former. As you can see in the trailer posted down below, Chad Ferrin’s upcoming horror film Exorcism at 60,000 Feet is coming to Blu-ray thanks to Scream Factory! Aside from a title like that, the film also offers a stellar cast of horror genre veterans. A few of the cast members featured in the film include icons like Lance Henriksen, Bill Moseley, Adrienne…

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The Coronavirus has been impacting nearly everyone’s lives since the virus began spreading across the globe. A large variety of precautionary measures have been taken in an effort to stop the spread of the virus, many of which include people taking the time to self quarantine, social distance, and help keep the spread of the virus to a minimum. While many people have been trying to play along with the concept, others have chosen to ignore social distancing altogether. Actress Evangeline Lilly is one of those that have chosen to ignore the need for social distancing, and actress Sophie Turner…

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It’s been nearly ten years since The Walking Dead first premiered on AMC, and the massive zombie series captivated viewers thanks to a stunning performance by actor Andrew Lincoln who brought to life comic book character Rick Grimes. His performance as Rick Grimes was one of the main reasons audience members tuned into the show, and although it seemed unlikely he’d be one of the unfortunate characters to be killed off, his character was ultimately written off in 2018. It turned out that Andrew Lincoln wanted to take time away from the show so that he could spend time with…

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Netflix is well known for creating massive hits amidst the horror community, with a variety of its series usually going on to become quite popular. This was no different with The Haunting of Hill House, a horror miniseries created by Mike Flanagan. While the story was neatly wrapped up, the show was popular enough with audiences that Netflix quickly announced that a second season would be going into production. This time, however, the series would shift focuses by adapting a different ghost story and changing the series’ title to The Haunting of Bly Manor for this particular upcoming season. Now…

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We’re at a moment in time when the Coronavirus epidemic is continuing to grow and escalate. While things still seem to be under control, albeit it in a rather unusual fashion than most people are used to, it’s still been enough of a scenario that fans of The Walking Dead are drawing parallels to the long running zombie television series. In fact, it becomes incredibly similar when you think about the massive amount of people in self-quarantine that’s rendered commonly busy cityscapes something of barren wastelands. It definitely looks like something out of a horror movie or show. Now amidst…

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Guardians of the Galaxy made an interesting twist towards the end of the film, where the character Groot sacrificed himself for the other Guardians. While that version of Groot has since been left out of future Marvel films, his “offspring” has managed to take his place. Beginning in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, fans were given a chance to see what a younger version of Groot would be like with Baby Groot. By the time more recent Marvel Cinematic Universe films came around, Groot started to grow a bit older and closer to the age he was in the…

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Now that the Halloween franchise is back on the big screen where it belongs, with the new sequel Halloween Kills coming later this year – it’s a great time to look back at some of the highlights from the iconic and beloved slasher film franchise. Now while the series’ trademark villain Michael Myers usually hides his face underneath a creepy array of haunting masks, there are several instances where he tends to go unmasked for short periods of time. We’ll be taking a look at these different versions of Michael Myers unmasked, and honestly, they usually don’t make him any…

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We’re at a time when fans are desperate for the return of some of the horror genre’s biggest icons, and that includes Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street. The franchise has been dormant ever since the release of the 2010 Nightmare on Elm Street remake, and it’s been difficult to determine where the franchise could go after that film flopped and Robert Englund seemingly retired from the role. Nevertheless, the property is now apparently back at the Wes Craven estate and star Robert Englund believes that they’ll be able to properly reboot the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise…

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At this current stage of the Internet and the fan communities that inhabit its various domains, it’s become quite often now for horror fans to demonstrate their love of the genre with fan films. While fan films have almost always been a thing, it’s only been recently with the ease of modern digital technology that the quality of fan films has risen by quite a lot. In fact, they’ve gone great lengths to even get cast members from the actual films involved such as the case with Never Hike Alone: A Friday the 13th Fan Film which saw actor Thom…

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