Author: Jacob Dressler

Micro-budget filmmaker and lover of all things horror.

The Coronavirus pandemic continues to be a stressful and difficult time for everyone. As the quarantine continues, most people are being advised to wear some type of mask over their face in order to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. While that can be a bit of a drag for most people, others have taken the opportunity to be creative and design their own unique masks. One person happened to use their love for the Alien films and franchise as inspiration for creating their own Facehugger Coronavirus mask. As you can see, the Facehugger Coronavirus mask was created by…

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It has been a rough time for all of us while the world essentially shuts down and goes into quarantine during the spread of this Coronavirus pandemic. While things should be okay as long as people try their best to stay inside and practice social distancing, it’s still going to likely take some time before everything can truly go back to normal. As such, plenty of us are no doubt starting to feel bored of staying inside all day. Luckily, however, the internet can allow for all sorts of exploration – including a visit to one of the creepiest places…

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One of the most notorious locations for those interested in cryptid sightings and the like is Skinwalker Ranch, an area located in the state of Utah. The place has become famous for reported sightings of UFOs, among other things, and now it seems something similar to some previously reported UFO sightings was captured during a recent live stream held at the Skinwalker Ranch. You see, the History Channel recently set up a live stream at the Skinwalker Ranch as a means to promote their latest upcoming series: The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch. Interestingly, the live stream lasted for a total…

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We’ve been seeing an increase in popularity recently with adaptations based on the works of author Joe Hill, and his novel NOS4A2 was only one of the more recent adaptations to be made based on his works. Instead of being a film adaptation, however, NOS4A2 ended up becoming a television series for AMC. While the Coronavirus has put a stop to a lot of things in the entertainment industry, NOS4A2 is not one of them – and now horror fans should be excited to know that Season 2 of NOS4A2 is on the way. In fact, you can see the…

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It’d be a bit of an understatement to say horror filmmaker Wes Craven has at least a few underrated movies in his filmography. One that I’d say is most definitely underrated would be his 1991 horror comedy The People Under the Stairs, an eerie horror movie which reunited Twin Peaks stars Everett McGill and Wendy Robie as a pair of demented children abductors among other things. It’s an incredibly fun albeit twisted movie which takes place mostly in the massive house owned by McGill’s and Robie’s characters. Now the aforementioned house featured in The People Under the Stairs is up…

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It is no surprise that horror fans have waited what seems like ages for a new big budget Hellraiser film to be released. It’s something that Dimension seemed to be working on while simultaneously releasing endless straight-to-video sequels, and now that the rights are with Spyglass Media, things are finally starting to pick up. It’s not only been revealed that a new Hellraiser reboot is finally headed into production, but it has also finally been revealed that director David Bruckner is attached to helm the project. David Bruckner has become something of a popular horror director in recent years, having…

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The Sonic the Hedgehog movie had a bumpy start during its production – as we all know, the movie was famously delayed in order to redesign its titular character. Of course, after that issue was taken care of, the movie premiered in February to some pretty big success. Although the Coronavirus pandemic put an early stop to its theatrical run, Sonic the Hedgehog continued to see popularity following its release. Now it appears the film has been popular enough that a Sonic the Hedgehog adult film parody has been created. Yes, you’ve read that correctly, a Sonic the Hedgehog adult…

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe is well known for offering different variations of its beloved characters as they appear throughout the franchise. It’s a neat way of showing continuity while still being able to display new and fresh concepts as the movies are released in each phase. One great example is Groot, which after his appearance in Guardians of the Galaxy became a baby that we gradually got to see grow older throughout the franchise. Another new appearance that was somewhat divisive for fans was Bro Thor aka Fat Thor in Avengers: Endgame. As it turns out, though, it looks like…

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The spread of the Coronavirus has forced the worldwide economy into a rather bizarre state. Many people are struggling to stay at home under quarantine in an effort to stop the spread of the virus, and as a result non essential public places have been closed. Therefore, movie theaters have become a pretty major victim due to this – they’ve lost both customers then as well as their employees. And as it turns out, there might be some pretty big side effects of being closed down for so long. In particular, it looks like AMC Theatres could be filing for…

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Horror author Stephen King helped create some of the most iconic genre villains and stories throughout his writing career. Perhaps one of his most iconic is ‘Salem’s Lot, a modern day vampire story published in 1975 which introduced the horrifying Kurt Barlow. The novel was successful enough to receive two miniseries adaptations, the first of which was directed by Tobe Hooper in 1979 and helped maintain Kurt Barlow’s memorable status as one of the vampire genre’s scariest creatures. Now ‘Salem’s Lot is being prepped for yet another adaptation – this time as a theatrical film being directed by Annabelle Comes…

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