Author: Jacob Dressler

Micro-budget filmmaker and lover of all things horror.

It’s become something of a joke over the years to question when The Walking Dead would finally be ending. Well, that time has now come. According to an official press release, The Walking Dead season 11 will be the final season for the long running zombie series. Apparently the eleventh season will consist of a massive 24 episodes – so for those of you who are disappointed by the news – at least you’ll be getting a giant send-off – as well as a spin-off show for Daryl and Carol! “With the previously announced six extra Season 10 episodes scheduled…

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Although Ridley Scott has most recently given us the new HBO Max series Raised by Wolves, it isn’t any surprise that a new interview with the veteran director led back to the Alien franchise. As fans know, Ridley Scott directed the original Alien film in 1979. He left the franchise until 2012, when he returned with a prequel to Alien titled Prometheus. He eventually followed that film up with Alien: Covenant in 2017. Now Ridley Scott has assured that a new Alien film is currently in development for the future, and it possibly won’t follow the events of Prometheus or…

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After Predators was released in 2010, audiences were unsure where the franchise would be headed next. It was the first solo Predator movie since 1990, and the first after the coldly received Alien vs Predator movies. It wasn’t until Shane Black had his take, The Predator, released in 2018 that fans got to see the next chapter in the franchise – and it happened to have virtually nothing to do with Predators. As such, where exactly would a direct sequel to Predators have gone? As it turns out, AvP Galaxy has the answer. They were able to speak with Predators…

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After the movie Dredd became something of a cult classic in 2012, having earned the respect of moviegoers over the years after a disappointing box office return, many fans have been waiting for actor Karl Urban to return to the role. While things are unclear on that front, and when exactly Judge Dredd will be making his return – which is currently intended for television – some are already proposing new actors to take Karl Urban’s place as the character. For example, director Duncan Jones has suggested Josh Brolin could replace Karl Urban as Judge Dredd, something which has caused…

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As most people by this point know, star Johnny Depp and his ex-wife actress Amber Heard have been the focus of a variety of lawsuits and controversies throughout the past year. While the two have frequently been part of an ongoing series of trials, actor Johnny Depp is now attempting to have it delayed so that he can begin filming his part for Fantastic Beasts 3. This proposal to delay the lawsuit was agreed to by Amber Heard, as long as the postponement “would not entail any prejudice to her, much less unfair prejudice”. This is because Amber Heard fully…

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The Friday the 13th franchise has been dormant for over a decade now, and fans are getting restless. In an effort to keep the series alive, some fans have been producing different fan films inspired by the Friday the 13th franchise. One of the most notorious Friday the 13th fan films based upon the property has been Never Hike Alone, especially because it saw the return of actor Thom Mathews to the role of Tommy Jarvis. Now fans will be getting a fan film prequel to Never Hike Alone, this time titled Never Hike in the Snow. Interestingly, this fan…

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Things haven’t been the best for The Batman, the latest solo take on the famous caped crusader. The film started shooting earlier this year until the pandemic forced a hiatus. About 25% of the film was completed, enough to throw together a trailer that was rather well received at the DC FanDome event. The film then began to continue shooting not long after, but it seems that filming has once again been paused. This time because one of the actors in The Batman, believed to be lead Robert Pattinson himself, have apparently contracted the Coronavirus. As explained in an official…

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Now that production for the upcoming Jurassic Park film, Jurassic World: Dominion, is back underway, we’re getting all kinds of new looks at the movie. These include teases of returning cast members like Sam Neill, but also new looks at the film’s massive array of practical dinosaur effects. Now we’re getting a look at some kind of entirely new type of dinosaur for Jurassic World: Dominion – something called a Pyroraptor. Now it should be stated that the images of the supposed Pyroraptor that will be making an appearance in Jurassic World: Dominion aren’t exactly showing any kind of animatronics.…

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It shouldn’t have been a surprise that the Paranormal Activity film franchise would be making a comeback at some point. The found footage horror film series made its mark again and again at the box office, and all horror fans know what that means – there’ll always be another sequel. This is especially true when a film is considered the “final chapter”, such as Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension was in 2017. Now it looks like horror fans can expect the next Paranormal Activity film to hit theaters in 2022, according to its new release date. The film, which will…

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One of the most saddening announcements this year is that actor Chadwick Boseman, known for having played Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, died recently following a four year long battle with colon cancer. Now many of his fans have been starting and signing petitions to see a Confederate monument in his hometown of Anderson, South Carolina replaced with a statue of Chadwick Boseman himself. As of this writing, the biggest petition to see a statue of Chadwick Boseman places in Anderson, South Carolina has already gathered around 40,000 signatures. It’s an impressive number and will likely only continue…

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