Author: Simon Andrews

UK based writer and comic book fan. Other opinions are available, but they'll almost certainly be wrong.

If the transition of the Marvel comic universe onto film and television has demonstrated anything, it’s that trying to convert a perceived anti-hero from script to screen is far from easy. Anti-heroes are seen to work alone, not needing support or emotional validation from others. They are able to make quick clinical judgements and killing comes both easily and naturally to them, their actions not restricted by conventional morality. Both the Punisher and Ghost Rider have suffered cinematic misfires, unable to secure regular positions in the overall MCU. Wolverine and Hulk may have enjoyed recurring success in their respective ensemble…

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Without Tom Hiddlestone’s damnably amazing performance as the Asgardian/Norse God Of Mischief, the MCU would be a very different place, and arguably may not even have achieved the success it has to date. Marvel has built its empire employing shrewd decision-making and calculated gambling, from their opening gambit of casting a recovering drug addict as a lesser known lead character, to building a credible summer blockbuster around a hero named ‘Ant-Man’. Amongst these gambles was the casting of a lesser-known British TV actor as the scheming brother to Thor. It more than paid off, and the MCU has been keen to…

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The endless cold-war escalation between Marvel and DC seems to be peaking, having seeped its wicked way into every conceivable market and media platform available to the discerning nerd of modern times. A veritable tidal wave of material from these two comic behemoths has sadly made it easier for even the most devoted of fans to 5 become a little desensitized and wearied from an output of vast, and sometimes varying quality. So, hot on the heels of last week’s previous article about 5 darker comics you might not have heard of, but may well hook you if you give…

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The Marvel films are undeniably well-crafted, injecting the prefect amount of dark humor needed for the audience to buy into the universe their characters inhabit. They follow a rich heritage of summer blockbusters featuring square-jawed, clean-cut Superheroes. Characters who traditionally have to overcome personal issue and prejudice in order to win the the adoration and respect of their public. But what about the heroes who don’t really care for the hearts and minds of the common man? Well, their previous forays onto the big screen haven’t exactly been embraced by the masses. Both The Punisher and Ghost-Rider have suffered at…

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We’re two seasons in now, with a third series having been confirmed. It’s relatively accepted that the show has struggled to win viewers over and keep hold of them. Retaining an audience can be hard enough with the glut of comic-book TV shows that have become available, and the ability for people to binge on high quality television via the big streaming services. That factor apart, there does seem to be something inherently wrong with the way the show is put together. I’d class myself as a loyal Marvel fan, and when the concept was first announced I was genuinely…

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