Author: Frank Palmer

Founder/Editor-In-Chief Runs the establishment.

The Meg is a movie about a giant shark terrorizing people, and you’d think that a movie about a giant shark terrorizing people would be Rated-R. That’s not the case for this movie, though – but we can’t lie and say we’re not still excited for the movie. What some might be interested to know, however, is that we could have had an R-Rated cut of the film. While speaking to Bloody-Disgusting, director Jon Turteltaub revealed some interesting details (and made a reference to the site’s name) about scenes that were shot – but ultimately didn’t make the final cut: “…I…

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MCU fans are about to face the reality that nothing lasts forever, as Avengers 4 is said to be the end of this current arc of storytelling than began back in 2008 with Iron Man. While the Marvel Cinematic Universe obviously won’t end, we’re not at all sure what prominent characters that have been around for a while will remain. As far as replacing them goes, Kevin Feige recently spoke about that very concept. While speaking to The Costco Connection, Feige said: “That’s what we can look to in the comics. And that’s why these characters are so relevant. I…

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We were given a new trailer for the Venom movie this week, and with it – comes dissection of everything. It’s the norm whenever a comic book movie trailer is released, as some people love to find things to complain about. The first trailer obviously gave us something to complain about, as it featured no Venom. The second trailer was a big improvement, but people complained about the way symbiote was said. This new trailer – seems to have fixed that. It appears that the characters are saying symbiote the way it was pronounced back in the 90’s Spider-Man cartoon,…

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While it had widely been assumed that Ben Affleck would no longer be starring in The Batman – as rumors have been swirling since 2017 that the actor would be leaving – that apparently is not the case, according to director Matt Reeves. Reeves took some time to debunk recent rumors about the film he’s writing and directing – including one this week that said Affleck was done with the role entirely. A recent Deadline report revealed: Reeves said that Ben Affleck “is still involved” but that it was too early to talk in which capacity. Affleck wrote an earlier…

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Edward Norton was said to have taken a shot at Marvel Studios over The Incredible Hulk at the recent Comedy Central Roast of Bruce Willis, but the quotes hadn’t yet been revealed. Now they have, and the former Bruce Banner actor didn’t hold back when talking about his former employer. He first used the opportunity to make a joke out of it about Willis: “I tried to be like you. I did a big action movie called The Incredible Hulk. You know what went wrong? I wanted a better script.” He then took a shot at the movie itself: “I thought…

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Venom movie saw a new trailer released today, and the internet seems to be pretty excited about it. We got some great looks at Tom Hardy in action as the character, as well as the symbiote he’ll be going up against in Riot, and more overall plot details. In this new international trailer, we’re given even more footage to look at and analyze! As we said, the reaction was interesting: Jesus the dialogue in the new Venom trailer is nearly incomprehensible except for the “turd in the wind line.” Glad a child wrote it. What the fuck does Tom…

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James Gunn, the recently fired Guardians of the Galaxy director, may soon be back on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 – the film he was fired from when offensive tweets from the past regarding pedophilia and rape were resurfaced. Disney was met with resistance on the firing, including a letter from the entire cast of the film which was posted yesterday: If you please, read the statement written and signed by The Guardians of the Galaxy cast in support of James Gunn’s reinstatement as director of GOTG Volume 3. — Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana) July 30, 2018 The entire…

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Many fans have been waiting to see new footage from the upcoming Venom movie, and today – we were given a very revealing new trailer. It features plenty of looks at the title character, and also gives us a look at RIOT, the symbiote that takes over Riz Ahmed’s character, Dr. Carlton Drake, in the film. The trailer gave us a couple (very quick) interesting looks at both of them in action, and fans have managed to capture some screenshots that we have for you below: Riot literally is silver Venom tho — Punished “Venom” Aaron (@Bizarnage) July 31,…

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Venom movie will be with us soon, but up until this point, we’ve only had two trailers for the film. I mean I’m sure we will get at least 30 more if it’s like all of the other blockbusters, though. The first trailer can’t really be considered a trailer, as if just showed Tom Hardy talking. The last trailer was much better – and now, this new one has blown them both away. The world has enough superheroes. Watch the new #Venom trailer now. 10.5.18 — Venom Movie (@VenomMovie) July 31, 2018 Some of the initial reaction: Me…

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Avengers 4 is scheduled to come out on May 3rd, 2019 – but according to an IMAX Q2 earnings call, it may be here sooner. MCU fans know that Avengers: Infinity War had its release date bumped up, so I’m guessing that this news really isn’t much of a surprise to anyone, as it made the most sense. The news was found on Reddit, which revealed: IMAX’s Q2 earnings may have accidentally revealed that Marvel Studios is doing the same marketing strategy as ‘Avengers: Infinity War’, pushing ‘Avengers 4’ one week up from its original release date of May 3rd,…

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