Author: Frank Palmer

Founder/Editor-In-Chief Runs the establishment.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters won’t hit theaters until 2019, but a trailer released last month has fans pretty excited. Personally, I thought the trailer itself was better than the entirety of the 2014 movie. That’s not to say that many people didn’t like that film, because they definitely did. Buzz for this one, though, seems a lot higher. Apparently, though, some test screenings have been held, and people who have attended those screenings have shared their thoughts. The first news of this came back in March, when one Reddit user posted a lengthy review: “…it was really nice. It’s…

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Avengers: Infinity War featured more than a few emotional scenes. One of the biggest ones, however, was when Thanos snapped his fingers – and the aftermath. We see Thanos walking through the Soul Stone with a young Gamora. It’s now been revealed that that specific scene was actually going to be darker. If you’re like me, you probably already thought the scene was pretty intense, but it turns out it could have been much more – but wasn’t. Because you know, PG-13. || Did y’all know that, in Infinity War, the end scene with little Gamora in the Soul Stone…

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Black Panther was one of the biggest movies of 2018, with seemingly everyone who saw it enjoying it. So would Denzel Washington be different and not enjoy it? No. In fact, he had one of the more emotional reactions to the film that we’ve seen – as he said it brought him to tears the first time he watched it. While speaking to (video below), the actor revealed: “Black Panther, I shed a tear. I was sitting in there – I ran into Chad and Ryan before the movie started, it was their premiere, or the screening in New…

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Spider-Man: Far From Home is currently filming, so naturally, there are going to be set leaks and whatnot. It seems to happen with every big movie, but as long as it’s nothing major – we can live with it. Most of the time it seems to lead us to think things about the movie that don’t actually happen, so sometimes it’s a nice little diversion. The latest set video shows Tom Holland’s Peter Parker reuniting with Aunt May at an airport. Some have speculated that it could be featured in the film’s third act: I have a feeling that…

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IT: Chapter 2 will be here next year, but filming has been underway since July and apparently – Pennywise is up to his old tricks in the new film. James McAvoy was filming a scene with the character and suffered a minor injury, but he says he’s alright. In a recent post on Instagram, the actor reassured everyone: #UPDATE . In the wake of underwhelming public concern but a couple of weirdly concerned internet celeb sites I’d like to let you all know that I’m Doing just fine. Slight double thigh strain,caught it early,no worries. Pennywise look out . #pennywiseburgersandfries…

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Captain Marvel will be with us soon enough when it hits theaters this March, but that hasn’t stopped fans from trying to find any type of detail they can on the film. The latest detail that has been found is small – but still something that comic book fans will be interested to hear about. It involves none other than Carol Danvers’ cat. In the source material, the cat is named Chewie, as Danvers is a big Star Wars fan. In the upcoming movie, it appears that the cat’s name will be Goose – inspired by Top Gun. Fun day…

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Avengers 4 is less than a year away, but fans are still asking questions about the events of Avengers: Infinity War. One question that seems to pop up is about the lack of Captain America in the film. It’s been said that the next film will feature quite a bit of him, as he was one of the heroes to survive Thanos’ snap – along with Black Widow. These two characters will apparently be different the next time we see them, however. As director Joe Russo explained to Wired: “We’ve been fortunate enough to grow [Black Widow] over three films:…

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Avengers: Infinity War featured an ending that pretty much everyone anywhere has been talking about since the film released last April. If you haven’t seen it yet, you shouldn’t be here, as that’s what we’ll be discussing. If you have seen it, you know that Thanos snapped his fingers while wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, and turned half of of the universe to dust. It turns out, however, that it almost looked different than what we ended up seeing. VFX director Dan Deleeuw recently spoke to Screen Rant, revealing: “[It] made sense that all six stones are combined now, [so] what…

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Marvel’s Iron Fist hasn’t had an easy road thus far. The show’s first season was heavily criticized, and many didn’t think there would be a second season. The character is obviously important for Marvel’s future TV plans, as a Season 2 will be here next month. The show features a new showrunner, so here’s hoping it’s better. The trailer at least looks better than Season 1: And here’s what fans are saying: Can’t wait to see @sacha_dhawan as Davos, the Steel Serpent, for season 2. He’s coming and you can’t stop him#IronFist — captain rogers (@TheGreenFlash01) August 13,…

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James Gunn was fired by Disney last month, and it’s been a very hot topic of discussion ever since. It’s about to get talked about even more, as Chris Pratt – aka Star-Lord in the Guardians of the Galaxy films, has opened up on the subject. It’s no surprise that he’s very disappointed, as he and other MCU actors came forward to support the director. While speaking to AP, Pratt revealed: “It’s not an easy time. We all love James and he’s a good friend of ours, but we also really love playing the Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s a…

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