The Sopranos may be long gone, but thankfully for fans, we’re about to dive back into that universe with a prequel movie in The Many Saints of Newark. According to a new casting announcement, the cast just landed some pretty impressive stars in Jon Bernthal and Vera Farmiga – adding to the already great cast. The news comes from Variety, who writes: Jon Bernthal and Vera Farmiga are set to join the cast of New Line’s “The Many Saints of Newark,” a prequel movie to the critically acclaimed HBO series “The Sopranos.” Plot details are vague other than the film being set during the…
Author: Frank Palmer
We’re steadily approaching the one year anniversary of the theatrical release of Avengers: Infinity War, and while attention is obviously on Avengers: Endgame, that doesn’t mean people have stopped thinking about Infinity War. In fact, a new theory has just been posted on Reddit regarding Groot’s apparent real name that will definitely have you thinking. The theory reads: So I most likely overlooked something and am wrong but I had a realisation that Baby Groot’s name might not be Groot. As I understand The Guardians don’t actually understand Groot, they just have spent enough time around him to have a…
Marvel fans were happy to hear that Disney and FOX would be merging, as it means that certain FOX owned Marvel characters will see their rights revert back to Disney, meaning they could be used in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, it likely means that a few in-development films have been cancelled. There aren’t really many surprises here, aside from one team-up film that many were expecting to see. The news comes courtesy of Twitter: Not a huge surprise but from what I hear Gambit and Dr. Doom are officially dead. As for X-Force, it’s not “Officially” dead, but they…
Earlier this week, it was revealed that a sixth movie in the Final Destination franchise was unlikely – and it turns out that was the case. At least with the original set of movies. The franchise is being rebooted by New Line Cinema with Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan (writers of several Saw movies) set to write the script. The news comes from THR, who writes: New Line is gearing up for another trip with Death. The company is restarting its Final Destination horror franchise, hiring scary movie mavens Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan to pen the script. Plot details for the sixth installment,…
The Punisher Season 2 is kind of in an odd place at the moment. As a fan of the character, I’m excited. But at the same time, given Netflix’s decision to cancel Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist – I know things aren’t looking good for the show. Regardless, the early reviews for Frank Castle’s second season are in, and they’re pretty good for the most part. Den of Geek: The Punisher Season 2 is a massive improvement on its predecessor and even stands head-and-shoulders above some of the other shows in the Marvel/Netlix pantheon. Forbes: Season two is a whole new…
A full trailer for Season 2 of Marvel’s The Punisher has been released, and it’s just as you’d probably expect: very bloody and violent. We get a good look at what Frank Castle has been up to since we last saw him, as well as his old buddy, Billy Russo – who has healed considerably since the last time we saw his face getting mashed in. He’s obviously Jigsaw on this season – but won’t be referred to as Jigsaw, I guess. Either way, here’s the new trailer for you to check out: As always, some fan reaction: LOOK AT…
Following 2016’s Split, M. Night Shayamalan’s Glass movie was a pretty highly anticipated movie. Fans of Unbreakable were also intrigued by the project, as it brought those two films together. If the first reviews for the film are any indication, however – fans might want to temper those high expectations just a bit, as it’s not looking good so far. On Rotten Tomatoes, at the time of writing this article, the film has a 38% based on 26 reviews, with the Critics’ Consensus saying: Glass displays a few glimmers of M. Night Shyamalan at his twisty world-building best, but ultimately disappoints…
Late last year, Avengers: Endgame had a series of leaks for the new costumes that we’ll see our favorite Marvel heroes wearing. They haven’t been confirmed or denied yet, but a new leak seems to confirm that we’ll at least see some type of variation of the white suits that we’ve been seeing in this yet to be released promotional material. The latest leak, however, gives us an up-close look at a new suit for Captain America. Check it out below – along with what we’ve already seen in the past after it: First look at Captain America’s #LEGO Figure…
The X-Men are about to come back home to Marvel Studios and presumably be integrated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. How they will be integrated into the MCU remains to be seen, but an interesting conversation on Reddit with someone claiming to be plugged in may reveal some clues as to how it’ll be done – but it might not be good for fans of Wolverine. One user on the popular site named ixconkid claims to have a source at Marvel – but can’t even spell Kevin Feige right. The user is being pointed out as notable by some because the…
A new Captain Marvel trailer was revealed during tonight’s College Football National Championship, and it’s a lot more upbeat than the ones we’ve been given before. A highlight in the new trailer is when Nick Fury asks Carol Danvers to prove she’s not a Skrull – and she does just that. So no more theories about that one. If there were any… Check out the trailer below: We were also given this cool new poster: Our @RealD3D exclusive poster art for #CaptainMarvel. In theaters March 8 — Asad Ayaz (@asadayaz) January 8, 2019 And some fan reaction to the…