Author: Frank Palmer

Founder/Editor-In-Chief Runs the establishment.

Sad news to report today, as Hollywood has lost another star today in Luke Perry. Perry suffered a major stroke last week, and didn’t recover. The actor was 52, and was most known for his roles on Beverly Hills, 90210, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Riverdale – among others. Variety gave this statement from the actor’s rep: “[Perry] was surrounded by his children Jack and Sophie, fiancé Wendy Madison Bauer, ex-wife Minnie Sharp, mother Ann Bennett, step-father Steve Bennett, brother Tom Perry, sister Amy Coder, and other close family and friends. The family appreciates the outpouring of support and prayers…

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The new Hellboy trailer has arrived – and for those expecting to see some bloody and brutal R-Rated violence – you’ve got your wish! The trailer is definitely an improvement from the last one that was released and fans are probably going to be talking about the movie a lot more until the release date. Check out the red-band and green-band trailers below: Based on that trailer, it looks like it’ll be a pretty fun movie. Here’s hoping it delivers. If the trailer wasn’t enough for you, here’s a new poster: Our worst fears. Our best shot. #Hellboy —…

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IT: Chapter 2 won’t be with us until September, and we’re yet to get a trailer for the film. That doesn’t mean, however, that buzz for the upcoming horror sequel isn’t high. After the great reviews the first movie received, fans are pretty excited, and comments from one of the film’s stars are going to make them even more excited. When talking about the movie recently on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, Jessica Chastain happened to talk about the amount of blood featured in one scene: “I’m gonna say something and I think I’m gonna be in trouble but…

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A new trailer for X-Men: Dark Phoenix has been released, and it’s definitely the most revealing trailer yet for the film. The previous trailers haven’t really shown much at all, but this one gives as an idea of what the movie will actually be – and we know fans will definitely be discussing it. Check out the trailer below: The thing that really has people talking is what apparently shows Jean Grey kill off Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique. This had been rumored for quite a while now, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise. The fact that they decided to…

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Captain Marvel has seen online controversy lately (if you want to call it that) for what some deemed as offensive comments from Brie Larson. It made a vocal group of “fans” decide to go on Rotten Tomatoes and purposely sabotage the user reviews of the movie, prompting the website to make changes to their rating system on that front. Some recent comments from the film’s co-director Anna Boden will definitely get some discussion as well. Speaking to Get Your Comic On, the director said: “I mean one the things that drew us to the character for sure was the fact…

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Captain Marvel was recently the target of “review bombing” on Rotten Tomatoes – and now, the popular review website has made some changes to their website. Some fans were initially mad (some are still upset) about comments made by Brie Larson about the film’s upcoming press tour and decided to trash the user reviews section of the site. Well, Rotten Tomatoes has apparently had enough of the fake reviews – which isn’t a bad thing. The system definitely needs some work. The website released this statement: Starting this week, Rotten Tomatoes will launch the first of several phases of updates…

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The Punisher was cancelled this week by Netflix, and while fans were pretty upset, none were really surprised, considering the other Marvel Netflix shows were cancelled as well. It turns out one pretty notable pop culture figure was really upset – and it’s none other than Eminem, who took to Twitter to call out the streaming giant. DEAR @NETFLIX, REGARDING YOUR CANCELLATION OF THE PUNISHER, YOU ARE BLOWING IT!! SINCERELY, MARSHALL — Marshall Mathers (@Eminem) February 21, 2019 It didn’t take long for cast members of the show to thank Eminem: I guess this means @Eminem watches our show. I…

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Captain Marvel will be released in a little over two weeks, and with that, the first reactions for the upcoming MCU movie have hit the internet. It’s important to point out that these are not the first reviews, which will come at a later point. The first reactions are pretty positive – but were you honestly expecting anything different? Captain Marvel is a blast! Has some cool surprises that I definitely didn’t see coming, and the mystery/origin it weaves is engaging and fun. Brie Larson is awesome, and makes a fantastic first step into the MCU #CaptainMarvel — Eric…

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In some pretty random news, it looks like we’ll be getting a Hulk Hogan biopic starring Chris Hemsworth and directed by Todd Phillips. This will be quite a different role for Hemsworth, but one we’re sure he can pull off based on his previous body of work. The news comes from THR, who writes: Chris Hemsworth will star as wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan in a biopic that reunites Todd Phillips with Scott Silver, the respective director and writer of the upcoming DC Comics movie, The Joker. Deals for the Hogan project are in the midst of closing with Netflix. Producing will…

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Yesterday, a report broke that Batman would be played by Armie Hammer in future films, and the internet reacted pretty positively to that idea. Since Ben Affleck retired from the role, fans have been anxiously awaiting the reveal of who would be replacing him – and it appears they’ll have to wait even longer, as this rumor has been debunked by numerous reporters – and Hammer himself. I’m not in the business of debunking bunk but considering everyone got in a tizzy over this…there is no truth to the below. Being told there haven’t even been any actor meetings for…

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