Author: Frank Palmer

Founder/Editor-In-Chief Runs the establishment.

Hollywood is full of “what if” scenarios with castings that almost happened for whatever reason. This is especially true in the world of comic book movies with the latest “what if” being thrown around involving Wonder Woman. Whether you like the casting or not, Gal Gadot is our new Wonder Woman and will be for the foreseeable future. There was a different scenario before she was cast as the famous member of the Trinity, however… When Man of Steel was in production, Gadot was eyed for a female villain role, sounding quite similar to that of Faora, Zod’s loyal…

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ET Online recently sat down with Michael Pena of Ant-Man, Sebastian Stan of Captain America and Kate Mara of Fantastic Four while they were promoting The Martian. While the F4 reboot failed miserably, Mara still seemed to have a sense of humor about it: “Mine was the biggest success,” Mara joked. “I just want to put it out there.” When Stan admitted that he hasn’t seen Fantastic Four, Mara added, “Neither did the rest of the world.” When asked about Josh Trank’s earlier version of the film, Mara said: “I didn’t even see the one that’s out there.”…

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Netflix has released the first images from the upcoming series – Marvel’s Jessica Jones. In the pictures, we get a look at Krysten Ritter as Jones, Mike Colter as Luke Cage, David Tennant as Kilgrave, Rachael Tayler as Patsy Walker, and Carrie-Anne Moss as Harper. Check them out below: Interesting. The second picture actually looks like it could be taking place at Matt Murdock’s place – because as you all know, these shows are connected. Marvel’s Jessica Jones premieres on Netflix on November 20th.  Are you looking forward to the show? Let us know in the comment section below! 

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As comic fans already know, Marvel cancelled the Fantastic Four series – and some speculated it was because FOX still had the rights to the characters. It didn’t really do much in the way of effecting the Fantastic Four reboot that came out this year because that one self destructed on its own. Now, it seems as if Marvel is using The INHUMANS as a way to destroy the X-Men. ComicsAlliance made an interesting point: Introduced into the MCU during season two of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with plans for a movie in 2019, the Inhumans are a strange bunch with…

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There have been quite a few rumors over the past couple of days from HeroicHollywood about Man of Steel 2 and Brainiac being the villain. But according to BMD, a lot of those plans have been scrapped: I trust El Mayimbe’s sources, but I suspect that a lot of this stuff is scrapped now, especially as every whisper I hear about Justice League contains the word ‘Brainiac.’ I suspect elements of this story were cannibalized for the eventual team-up as well as BvS, whose main physical threat is, I believe, a cross between traditional Bizarro and another well-known Superman villain**. Plus, if…

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In a recent tweet from actor Jon Bernthal, he teased The Punisher’s skull that fans have been anxiously waiting to see. It was taken on the set of Season 2 of Marvel’s Daredevil – check it out below: Do you think this is an indication that we might be seeing the iconic skull on season 2 after all? Personally, I think that when Frank Castle gets his own Netflix series, that’s when we will see his outfit (or potential costume). They could go one of two ways: Costume More “Realistic” Look: So, far these are what we’ve gotten: Either way,…

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It looks like FOX is ready to erase the bad buzz generated from Fantastic Four already. Producer Simon Kinberg talked with Collider and had nothing but great things to say about the upcoming Deadpool movie: “I have seen a rough cut of Deadpool and it’s fantastic. It’s a really good movie. It delivers on the promise of the trailer… We really committed and leaned into it being R-rated. It’s just darker and edgier and weirder in the best way—like Deadpool should be—than any other movie in the genre.” He added: “We certainly are talking about the sequel—we were…

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Yesterday, HeroicHollywood reported that Brainiac would be the villain in Man of Steel 2 but now – they have details. There could be some potential spoilers here, including a very surprising appearance from a big DC character. Here’s the run down of the report: Yesterday I reported that the Man Of Steel sequel isn’t on permanent hold, George Miller MAY still take a crack at it, the film will happen in the next few years, and Braniac will most likely be the villain.  Due to the secretive nature surrounding the entire DCEU, the following is UNCONFIRMED hence the…

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An anonymous source “close” to the situation has informed us that for Marvel’s next slate of Netflix shows, they’re going dark – very dark. The source says that in 2018/2019, you can expect the following shows for Netflix: 2018: Moon Knight with Bushman as the main villain 2018: The Punisher with JIGSAW as the main villain 2019: Deathlok with Fixer as the main villain 2019: Spider-Woman with Madame HYDRA as the main villain This could make sense for a number of reasons. Fans have been clamoring for a Moon Knight series for a while now and with Netflix established for Marvel’s…

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According to Heroic Hollywood, WB has given George Miller an offer to direct ‘Man of Steel 2’ but he hasn’t made up his mind yet. Why is he so unsure? Well, apparently, since Guillermo del Toro passed on Justice League Dark, Miller is considering that project as well. That would actually make a lot of sense – and something I could see Miller fitting more with. Here’s what the report said: What I am hearing? George Miller simply hasn’t decided yet what to do next, but if he wants the Man Of Steel sequel it’s his. Get this, Warner brass…

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