Author: Frank Palmer

Founder/Editor-In-Chief Runs the establishment.

As you all remember (or tried to forget) Ryan Reynolds starred in the Green Lantern film back in 2011 – needless to say, it had it’s fair share of problems. That’s in the past, though, and now he’s starring in the upcoming Deadpool film from FOX. A film from the same company, Fantastic Four, didn’t do so well and Reynolds says he knows the pain: “But I’m more frustrated about the Michael B. Jordan aspect than Miles Teller. You know, Miles Teller’s gonna recover. Miles Teller’s gonna go on to do amazing things, you know. It’s important that Michael B. Jordan…

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Yesterday, a story ran about how Hugh Jackman said that Tom Hardy would make a great Wolverine. The story was met with a pretty positive response and as usual, BossLogic has gone ahead and made some awesome fan art showing us what it’d look like. Here it is: I like the idea of Hardy as Wolverine. What do you think? Sound off in the comment section below!

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With the upcoming Uncanny Inhumans part of Marvel’s All-New label, artist Steve McNiven was looking to give the characters a  new look. He recently talked to about his influences and how he wanted the team to be represented: “I really wanted to tackle Black Bolt, try something new, maybe have the design look a bit more like the stuff the movie folks do,” he said. “I had a chance to go down and visit the set of Captain America: Civil War— that’s another whole story right there!—and was floored by the level of detail and functionality that the designers…

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As you all know, the next Wolverine movie will be Hugh Jackman’s last as the character. Until he’s officially done, there will tend to be all kinds of speculation as to who will play the character. Some say that Jackman is the perfect Wolverine – while others say he needs to be shorter (he’s 5’3 in the comics). Well, Jackman has actually given an idea as to who he thinks FOX should cast in the role when he’s done: “I haven’t really given it a lot of thought. I’ve been asked that question a lot, and I’m always like, ‘I…

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Wesley Snipes has been making a lot of comments about a Blade revival as of late. It seems that both Wesley Snipes and Marvel are both interested in bringing the character back: “There’s always a possibility,” Snipes said about another Blade movie. “It’s in Marvel’s hands, and they are controlling the pace and flow with that. Conversations have been good. They see the value in it. We see the value in it,. I’m still in shape enough and fit enough to handle the role. We’ll see where it goes. I don’t really know what’s going to happen to it yet.” He…

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  Adi Shankar has made quite a name for himself over the years, most notably, with his “Bootleg Universe”. It’s basically projects that fans want to see – but may never get the chance to, due to the studios not having the guts to finance them. The projects range from a Punisher short starring Thomas Jane to an R-Rated Power Rangers short. Now, Shankar is bringing other talented filmmakers to get in on the fun, in a new project titled The Bootleg Universe Pitch Show.  In his latest video talking about the show, Shankar explains that it will be him…

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Sony and Marvel may have ditched The Amazing Spider-Man franchise, but according to filmmaker Drew Goddard, his Spider-Man spin-off might still be alive: “My vision of that movie was a summer annual,” Goddard told io9 . “So you didn’t have to worry about continuity. It was just, ‘We take Peter, put him on an adventure, we put him back in his life.’ I intentionally wanted a movie that didn’t have to worry about mythology and continuity. It was important to me to make a movie that could stand on its own. So the good news is, you know, [laughs], it slots…

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At some point, I’m sure we all knew that the X-Men franchise was going to go in a different direction. While speaking with Collider, producer Simon Kinberg said the following regarding the future of the films: It delivers on the dramatic story and emotion of the last two movies. It feels like the culmination of the four main characters really — McAvoy, Fassbender, Nic Hoult, and Jen. And it’s a bigger movie in both physical scale and I would say emotional stakes too because it is the culmination of this mini trilogy of stories. We already knew that Hugh…

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The upcoming Spider-Man reboot will be an entirely different take on the character – and the first to be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As Director Jon Watts puts it, he’ll be a bit younger than we’re used to seeing him on screen: “We’re really going to see Peter Parker in high school and get deeper into that side of it. He’s just 15 now,” Watts told Empire magazine. Holland is 19 and the youngest actor to currently portray the web-slinger. “I love the idea of making a coming-of-age high school movie,” Watts said. He also went…

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While speaking with The Hollywood Reporter about their new film, I Saw The Light, Elizabeth Olson and Tom Hiddleston were asked “Who would win in Scarlet Witch vs. Loki?” Here’s what they had to say: “I think Scarlet Witch would win — she’s one of the most powerful people in the universe,” Olson told The Hollywood Reporter. I Saw the Light writer-director Marc Abraham agreed: “I’m betting on Scarlet Witch.” Hiddleston then responded, first noting of Olsen’s character, “The thing is, you’re dealing with someone who’s a witch, which is admittedly impressive biographically.” “But you put that up against a god,…

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