Tomorrow, we will finally see the first footage from the upcoming Power Rangers movie from Lionsgate. To hold us over until then, a batch of new posters from the the film have been released (via screenshot from an IGN Snapchat story). Check out the video and posters below: We will be sure to post the new Power Rangers footage from NYCC once it becomes available. Saban’s Power Rangers follows five ordinary high school kids who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove – and the world – is on the verge of being…
Author: Frank Palmer
It’s been previously reported that Ben Barnes was joining the upcoming Punisher series for Netflix, but the role wasn’t yet confirmed. It was also reported that casting was underway for Microchip. Well, now, Marvel has confirmed three new cast members, including two that we just mentioned. The official release from Marvel reads as follows: Ben Barnes (“The Chronicles of Narnia“) joins the cast as Billy Russo, Frank’s Castle’s best friend from his days in the Special Forces. He runs a successful private military corporation called “Anvil.”’ Ebon Moss-Bachrach (“Girls”) will play Micro, a former NSA analyst whose secrets may…
Although David Ayer said that the theatrical cut of Suicide Squad was his own, many speculated that it was heavily edited by Warner Bros. to achieve a much “lighter” and “fun” tone. Well, as many suspected would happen, a new Extended Cut for the film is coming: We revealed a list of deleted scenes from the film back in August – and they all sounded like they could add a lot to the film. Jared Leto even said that the amount of footage that was cut from the film was enough to make a solo Joker film. The Extended…
Earlier today, Hugh Jackman teased that a big announcement was coming for his final Wolverine film. He wasn’t lying: The actor’s final outing as the iconic Marvel character will be called ‘Logan’. It’s been assumed for some time now that the film would take parts from the Old Man Logan comic, so the title is very fitting. Not much is known about the film outside of the fact that it will be Rated-R (finally) and that it will feature Mr. Sinister as the main villain. We actually ran a story about how Richard E. Grant was listed on IMDb…
Officer William Brewer of Madison, Georgia is living a double life. By day, he’s a police officer. But by night – he’s IRON MAN. Officer Brewer had a goal after watching a documentary about terminal illness: One day, I came across a documentary of a child with a terminal illness, and it got me thinking. What is something I can do to put a smile on a child’s face? What is something that will get their mind off the disease they are fighting? One thought came to mind… a super hero. Every child has a favorite super hero they look…
The most talked about (and argument causing) film of 2016 was by far Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Personally, I liked the film (braces himself for fanboys) but the general consensus was mixed to negative. The dark tone of Snyder’s film was something most people complained about – but it was generally agreed upon that Ben Affleck’s Batman was great. Well, the actor talked to FOX 5 about the reviews and what he thought of the film: “It’s interesting… it was a huge hit movie, more people went to see that than any movie I’ve ever made in my…
While the films and television shows in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have yet to cross over, it’s always fun to imagine what that would be like, isn’t it? Well, Stryder HD has come up with a new trailer for what he thinks it would be like if The Punisher were to meet Captain America – and it’s pretty great! Check it out below: Source: Stryder HD
For those of you who have been binge watching Luke Cage since it became available on the 30th, you’ve already been treated to the transformation of Luke Cage that featured obvious Easter eggs referencing the character’s original comic book look. For those of you who have missed it or just haven’t felt like watching, here you go: Sweet Christmas, indeed. What do you think of the show? Tell us in the comment section below! Luke Cage is a former gang member who is framed for a crime. In prison, he volunteers for a medical experiment that goes awry, giving him…
In an interview with Comicosity, current Wonder Woman writer Greg Rucka confirmed the character’s sexuality and also talked about the difficult task it is writing on the subject: “It’s supposed to be paradise,” Rucka said. He went on to add: You’re supposed to be able to live happily. You’re supposed to be able — in a context where one can live happily, and part of what an individual needs for that happiness is to have a partner — to have a fulfilling, romantic and sexual relationship. And the only options are women. But an Amazon doesn’t look at another Amazon…
This November, we will be electing the next President of the United States. Some say it’s the most important election of our time. I’m not particularity amazed by either candidate and personally, don’t think I should HAVE to just go out and vote for the ‘lesser of two evils’ (as everyone else puts it) so I got to thinking. And then it dawned on me. The next President of the United States of America, should be Nicolas Cage. So I started a petition and before you laugh it off, check out what the petition says and after looking at all…