Author: Frank Palmer

Founder/Editor-In-Chief Runs the establishment.

Roman Reigns is no stranger to fan criticism. If you’re unfamiliar with the wrestler, or just don’t watch wrestling, Reigns is one of the most polarizing figures in the WWE. Some love him and some hate him. There really doesn’t seem to be an in between. When his music hits and he enters the arena, the crowd gives off this boo-cheer hybrid type thing that really isn’t easy to distinguish. He’s been heavily booed in some cases, though, and some prime examples are at the bottom of the page. Before we get to that, though,  it appears that some of those…

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Earlier this year, we were given Batman: The Killing Joke, that was met with mixed reviews but was unique in that it was an R-Rated Animated Film. Well, it appears the DC isn’t done with R-Rated Animation, as they’ve just released a new trailer for Justice League Dark – a film that will be released early next year. It says that it’s rated-R for ‘disturbing violence’ so it will probably be much darker than The Killing Joke – and hopefully much better. The trailer isn’t very long but gets its message across and features Batman, Constantine, Swamp Thing, Zatanna, and…

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The feud has been going on for some time now, but last night, on WWE’s Monday Night Raw, Brock Lesnar and Bill Goldberg were in a ring together for the first time since they both left the company in 2004. As I’m sure most WWE fans remember, their last match was less than spectacular, due to the fact that both of their contracts were expiring and they didn’t want to risk getting hurt, so what we all got was a pretty lackluster match. I’m sure that’s part of the reason for the rematch but, I’m sure the bigger reason would…

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Adi Shankar has taken the film world by storm as of late. He’s produced films such as The Grey and Dredd, and also has a very popular set of short films that he refers to as his ‘Bootleg Unvierse’ in which he has made films for Power Rangers, The Punisher and Venom – just to name a few. Following the results of the Election, Shankar has created something different. This time, it has to do with an issue effecting America. He’s written a very serious open letter addressing every Muslim America, Indian American and Asian American. It says: Like you I am…

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The Election is always a hot topic, but the 2016 Election is like no other. Donald Trump, to the shock of many, won the election and to say that the results have been divisive would be a massive understatement. There have been riots and protests, some violent and some peaceful. Celebrities have also spoken out. There’s also been a lot of petitioning to remove Trump from office, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. There is one interesting petition, however, that asks for Jon Stewart to run for President in 2020. It reads: “America needs a change in politics and…

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So Bill Goldberg is back in the WWE after a 12 year absence, and the feud between him and Brock Lesnar has been underwhelming to say the least. They’ve stretched it out since he initially came back and Lesnar and Goldberg are yet to meet face to face. It seems that WWE is getting desperate for subscriptions for their Network, as a match featuring two part timers like Goldberg and Lesnar does absolutely nothing to elevate their younger talent. Though, however, it already seems as though they’re treating him with more respect than they did with Sting. But then again -…

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When it comes to getting attached to a Television series, it seems that inevitably, someone is going to get killed off. You aren’t sure when, but deep down you know it’s coming. Maybe I should rephrase that. When it comes to watching a dark and violent show, you know that eventually, a major death is coming. Could that be the case with a Marvel series, though? While speaking at this past weekend’s Wizard World, in Pittsburgh, Daredevil star Charlie Cox made it a point to mention that no single character is safe on the show: “I know that as a…

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Nicolas Cage is no stranger to superhero films. Well, superheroes in general, really. His name is actually Nicolas Coppola, but changed his acting name to Nicolas ‘Cage’ because he was a huge fan of Luke Cage and didn’t want to be in the shadow of his family, which featured high profile names like Francis Ford Coppola. He also starred in two Ghost Rider films as Johnny Blaze that weren’t very good. There’s really no other way to put it. Before Ghost Rider, he was cast as Superman in the Tim Burton film that never actually happened. In case you were…

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One big question that is often asked by Marvel fans is whether or not the Marvel TV shows will crossover with the Marvel movies. I mean, sure. It’s technically all set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but aside from a few references here and there, most casual fans wouldn’t even know the two were connected. At this weekend’s Wizard World Convention in Pittsburgh, we were able to get Daredevil stars Charlie Cox and Elden Henson’s thoughts on the two universes potentially crossing over and who they’d like to meet in that event – and Elden Hensen (Foggy) gave a pretty random answer:…

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If you’re a big WWE fan (or even a casual fan) then you already know that the last time Finn Balor wrestled, he won the Universal Championship against Seth Rollins – only to have to vacate it the next night due to a broken shoulder suffered in the actual match. While truly a devastating chain of events – apparently, it wasn’t Balor’s worst injury. At a recent panel in Wizard World, we were able to get Finn Balor’s thoughts on his most brutal career injury – and it’s definitely an interesting story from when he wrestled in New Japan before WWE:…

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