In a month that has already seen Kevin Spacey, Louis C.K. and Brett Ratner accused of doing some pretty terrible things, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that yet another disturbing report has come out against a notable celebrity, this time, Saving Private Ryan actor Tom Sizemore. The incident isn’t recent, it was in 2003, but was brought back into light by THR: Actor Tom Sizemore was told to leave a Utah film set in 2003 after an 11-year-old actress told her mother that he had touched her genitals, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. Months later, he returned for reshoots in Malibu…
Author: Frank Palmer
Disturbing sexual allegations have rocked Hollywood as of late, essentially ending the careers of former A-Listers in the industry, Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey. Weinstein stands accused of sexual misconduct with almost 100 people, while Spacey just had his 15th accuser make a public statement. Just a few days ago, actor Bryan Cranston had some pretty straight forward remarks about Spacey in an interview with BBC Newsbeat: “He’s a phenomenal actor, but he’s not a very good person. His career now I think is over.” He added: “You know it has gone on. There’s a disorder among all those people…
DCEU spoilers ahead! Earlier this month, it was revealed that Warner Bros. are planning a solo movie for Deathstroke, which will star Joe Manganiello as the title character. Now, according to some apparent leaked footage from Justice League, we have our first look at the character! Deathstroke in Justice League – LEAKED — Odonnel Deslate (@zeronarchy) November 14, 2017 Spoiler ✋⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️ DEATHSTROKE TALKING TO LEX LUTHOR IN JUSTICE LEAGUE #JusticeLeague — SAID’ (@SaidAlMantheri) November 13, 2017 It’s definitely interesting, because we weren’t actually sure when we’d see the character actually debut in the DC Films Universe. He was…
Sony’s own Marvel Cinematic Universe just got even bigger. First, a Venom solo movie starring Tom Hardy was announced, which is now filming, as a set video recently leaked, and now, we’re getting another movie, though this one is pretty unexpected. Morbius the Living Vampire will reportedly be getting his own solo outing. According to a new report from THR, the writers of Power Rangers are working on the film: The studio is developing Morbius, a feature project centered on Spider-Man antihero Morbius the Living Vampire. Burk Sharpless and Matt Sazama, who worked on the recent Power Rangers movie, wrote the script, which was just submitted…
The first reviews for Marvel’s The Punisher are out, and they’re mixed. Some are complaining the show is too violent, while others are praising the show for finally doing the character justice in a live-action portrayal. Either way, it’s generally said to be a better outing by Marvel Television than Marvel’s Iron Fist and The Defenders. One review from Vox starts with this headline: The review starts out with: Fans who have been following Castle’s story from the second season of Daredevil know that he’s killing because his family was killed; The Punisher, through its excessive violence, wants to test whether there’s a limit…
The first reviews for Marvel’s The Punisher are here, and if they’re accurate, it definitely means we’re going to be getting a pretty good adaptation of the popular character, though the reviews seem to be “mixed” at this point. They definitely aren’t even close to the early reviews for Marvel’s Iron Fist, though, which were insanely negative. Here are some of the notable ones: Variety: In all, “The Punisher” is not just satisfying but surprising – an interpretation of Netflix and Marvel’s tried-and-true partnership that offers more depth and challenges to the audience than even the gritty world of “Marvel’s Jessica…
With all of the disturbing news about celebrities coming to light involving sexual assault and misconduct, someone on Twitter thought it would be a good idea to start a thread in which people share positive experiences about celebrities that may have gone unnoticed. There are a lot of replies, so we tried to put together the most interesting ones: if anyone has any nice allegations against a celebrity that would be great too. does a famous actor give good christmas presents. does lady comedian alwyays smoke people out — BAKOON (@BAKKOOONN) November 9, 2017 robin williams was the nicest, most…
While Warner Bros. have decided to slash their previous agreement with producer Brett Ratner, he is still slated to be a producer on some of their films until 2018, which would give him a cut of the profits. Warner Bros., of course, make DC Comics movies, and one star apparently won’t be returning if Rather is involved at all – none other than Wonder Woman herself, Gal Gadot. According to a new report from Page Six, Gadot has said she will not return if Ratner is involved in any way: “She’s tough and stands by her principles. She also knows…
Another accuser has come forward with an accusation against former A-List star, Kevin Spacey. In what marks the 15th person to come forward with a story, actor Andy Holtzman said he kept what happened to himself all these years – before Anthony Rapp’s story came out late last month. In a new interview with USA Today: “I had no idea I was far from alone. It’s a good feeling and a bad feeling at the same time. It felt better for me (to finally talk about it), and not so good for so many others who had the same or…
Louis C.K. was accused of some pretty bizarre stuff earlier this week that included masturbating in front of various women over the years. Though, they can’t be called accusations anymore as the actor came forward with a statement and confirmed they were true only a couple days after: “These stories are true. At the time, I said to myself that what I did was okay because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true. But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them…