Author: Frank Palmer

Founder/Editor-In-Chief Runs the establishment.

Just last week, pictures from the Avengers: Infinity War trailer were leaked online, leading to speculation that we would most likely see the trailer at some point very soon. A trailer shown at San Diego Comic Con leaked back in July but was pretty much removed from the internet. Now, Vimeo user The Ascended Ancient, has leaked the first footage from the film – in high-definition quality (potential spoilers in the video): A description of the footage leaked from SDCC says: …Infinity War trailer opened with the Asgardian being flung against the windshield of the Milano, the ship commanded…

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Previously, I wrote an article about how certain ignorant fan boys were ruining fandom. It’s the end of 2017, and not much has really changed. Though, my point of view may be a little different now, a few key details stand. There are two sides to every debate, and that’s what this article is going to look at. First off, I’d like to make it known that I enjoy both Marvel and DC Films, but if I didn’t, it wouldn’t really matter. Films are something you can like and dislike, that’s what makes them so popular. Everyone dissects them, and…

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This year’s IT Movie adaptation of Stephen King’s popular novel was a massive success at the box office and with critics. Fans enjoyed it, and the studio marketed as an experience you definitely had to be a part of. That doesn’t mean, however, that the film was without it’s mistakes. A video from MovieFails has pointed out quite a few big mistakes that most of us didn’t notice: Obviously, these mistakes don’t reduce the quality of the film, they’re just the standard “goofs” that accompany pretty much any movie. More will probably be spotted when the film is released…

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Jake Gyllenhaal has been a name associated with Batman for the past week or so, and it hasn’t really gotten much of a positive reaction. Fans want Ben Affleck to continue to play the character, but it’s not certain how much interest Affleck has in continuing to do so. Matt Reeves is making a Batman movie trilogy, and it won’t be a prequel or reboot, so if he leaves the role, it’ll have to be a straight up re-cast. It’s becoming more and more likely that the upcoming Flashpoint movie will be used to re-cast the role, though DC’s plans…

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There were quite a few scenes from Justice League trailers that weren’t in the theatrical version, making fans wonder just why that was. While it hasn’t been revealed why certain scenes were cut, it probably has something to do with the fact that Warner Bros. were (stupidly) demanding that the film come in at 2 hours or less. Deleted scenes that didn’t make the film’s cut recently leaked online, and now a new video has all of the footage together: It’s pretty interesting considering some of the scenes were a big part of the film’s marketing. DC Comics fans have launched…

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Thor: Ragnarok was a massive success both critically and financially, and hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down, despite being in theaters for almost a month now. While it might be weird to see Loki on the same team as his brother Thor, in this movie, it may be even weirder to take a look at what the character nearly looked like in the movie. Conceptual Artist Anthony Francisco revealed what Loki could have looked like in the film, and it’s way different than the finished product we ultimately received: It’s definitely a much different design than the one…

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DC Comics fans have launched a petition for a Director’s Cut of Justice League from Zack Snyder, reaching over 100,000 signatures in a little over a week’s time. What might be some disappointing news, however, is that a cut from the director apparently does not exist. In a recent Reddit Q & A, a VFX Artist from Justice League (verified by Reddit), revealed that this is the case, saying: “The film is found in the edit process, rarely does a director start shooting with the entire film plotted out. Some things work, some things don’t. There is no Snyder cut…

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Marvel’s The Punisher premiered on Netflix last week, and for the most part, it’s been considered one of the top Marvel TV Shows to date. Sure, there were some reviews bashing it in their reviews for political reasons, but if you’re a fan of The Punisher, or the other Netflix Marvel shows, you probably enjoyed it. It’s no surprise that Season 2 is already being talked about, and with so many interesting villains to choose from, more than one could actually be brought into the fold – according to Showrunner Steve Lightfoot in a recent interview with THR: “I haven’t…

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Though we haven’t seen what Tom Hardy’s Venom will look like in the upcoming movie, we have been given a few looks at what his interpretation of Eddie Brock will look like, courtesy of set photos and one set video. Now, a video from Tom Hardy’s MMA trainer Nathan Jones has been posted, with the Jones saying: “What the world is going to see is one of the darkest, most powerful supervillains that Marvel has ever created. It’s going to be carnage.” Most notably, it’s interesting that Jones said Carnage, as that will be the film’s main villain. It’s…

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It’s pretty obvious that Warner Bros. cut Justice League to the point where it was a completely different film than the one Zack Snyder created before leaving the project back in May. Now, another voice has chimed in on the subject, none other than Snyder’s son, Jett. In a recent post on Vero, his son said: “On a more serious note I did enjoy the movie, although it is clearly not what it could have been due to the meddling of Warner Brothers and the forced comedy. The run time was my biggest gripe with the movie, with events that…

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