Author: Frank Palmer

Founder/Editor-In-Chief Runs the establishment.

Blade is a Marvel character that many fans have been wondering about appearing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for some time now. While Marvel Studios don’t appear to be super interested in making R-Rated movies at this time, Blade is still a character that could definitely fit into the Netflix or TV Universe of things – and that might be what’s happening. Marvel Youtube’s host and senior creative producer Lorraine Cink just tweeted this out: Got a chance to meet the very charming @jeffward1230 AKA Deke from Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. today. I can’t wait for you to see the cool…

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While many fans would love to see Ben Affleck return as Batman in future DC films, the unsuccessful Box Office and critical reception of this year’s Justice League has many wondering what Warner Bros. are going to do with this current cinematic universe of characters. Some have speculated that the upcoming Flashpoint movie could be a way for Affleck’s Batman to bow out of the role, but the actor might not be ready to do that just yet. In a new interview with DailySabah, Affleck said: “I like this version of Batman a lot. It was a lot to carry…

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We already knew Thanos was being prepped as the biggest villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or ever, but now, we know even more – as Kevin Feige has revealed that the character does something truly terrible in Avengers: Infinity War – in the first five minutes! During an appearance at Brazil’s Comic Con, Feige said: “Within the first five minutes of Infinity War, people will understand why Thanos is the biggest and baddest villain in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You know, we’ve been teasing Thanos since the very first Avengers film. Remember the end of Avengers,…

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The opening scene of this year’s IT movie was definitely a brutal one, and if you haven’t seen it yet, then this is your spoiler warning. So if you’re still here and weren’t living under a rock, you already know what happens. Georgie sails his boat, boat goes into sewer with Pennywise the Clown, Georgie talks to the clown, clown bites off Georgie’s arm. In a new deleted scene, however, we get a look at what could have happened if George got away: Obviously, it’s a gag reel type thing, but still interesting and funny at the same time.…

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While many know T.J. Miller from his popular roles in Deadpool and HBO’s Silicon Valley, some might not know that the actor has a pretty violent past. Just recently in December of 2016, the actor was arrested for slapping someone who disagreed with him over current President Donald Trump. But now, another much more disturbing allegation has come to light. A new report from The Daily Beast details accusations from an alleged victim (who remained anonymous) who says that Miller hit and sexually assaulted her 15 years ago while attending college. It’s said the incident was addressed by a student…

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While not much is known about the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel, we do know that Jon Watts will be directing, and at least one key Marvel character will be appearing – thanks to some leaked audition tapes. Now, Omega Underground is reporting that the film has a new working title, and it’s definitely an interesting one: *UNTITLED SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING SEQUEL (FALL OF GEORGE)* The report states: It looks like Spider-Man director Jon Watts is a big fan of the sitcom Seinfeld as the working title for Homecoming was Summer of George. A reference to the character George Costanza. Updated information from our production source reveals the…

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With each passing year, there seems to be one or two movies that are analyzed and complained about non-stop until another one comes and takes its place. Man of Steel was that movie until Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice became that movie until Justice League became that movie until this past weekend – as Star Wars: The Last Jedi is now officially that movie. After the boom of social media, people have the ability to share their very strong opinions and thoughts on movies and have it seen by people everywhere. While Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a massive critical…

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There’s been quite a bit of talk about Star Wars: The Last Jedi as of late, good and bad. It seems to be dividing comment sections everywhere, which is the case with almost every new release for things with a great deal of fandom. Star Wars: The Last Jedi SPOILERS AHEAD! There are still quite a few questions about Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and as more information comes out, fans are eager to get it. Luckily for all of you, director Rian Johnson has revealed some very interesting deleted scenes in an interview with Collider. The first, he revealed:…

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For the most part, many were excited about the recently announced Disney FOX deal for the main fact that certain characters would now be able to be included in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Others felt that it was a monopoly type deal, giving Disney far too much power. It turns out that two top ranking Democrats feel the same exact way, according to a new report from Variety. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) referred to the deal as, “…another industry-changing merger, which would have major implications in television, film, and media.” She added: “I’m concerned about the impact of this transaction on American…

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi has been a divisive movie among fans of the iconic franchise. I personally liked the film and found the amount of backlash surprising, but then again, what major franchise movie doesn’t feature backlash? If you don’t believe me, just a take a look at any toxic comment section on the subject. It’ll make you never want to read one again. If you continue after this point, you’re okay with the major Star Wars spoilers that are about to be discussed! So for those of you who watched the film, you already know that Luke Skywalker…

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