It was revealed earlier this month that filming on the Seventh entry into the DC Extended Universe, Shazam!, had begun ahead of its release next year. Until now, the closest we have been to seeing lead actor Zachary Levi in full costume is an Instagram post in which it was shrouded by a cover. But now thanks to a couple of BTS pictures, we get a slight idea of what to expect. Read on to check them out. The two photos have been making the rounds on Reddit which seemingly show either Levi or a stunt double suited up as…
Author: James Hadden
For years the world of comics and comic book movies have largely been seen as a bit of a boys club, with this way of thinking largely being responsible for the lack of female led comics and films until recently. However, thanks to the ever increasing popularity of the female characters introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it looks like we can expect more and more female representation in the future, at least that’s what one actress believes. Read on to find out more. In a recent interview with ET, actress Tessa Thompson, who portrays the alcohol swigging Valkerie in…
At the end of last week, an image made the rounds on the web which seemingly revealed an unknown member of Thanos’ team of henchmen, Children of Thanos, set to appear in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War. However, it now seems as though the mystery character’s identity has actually been revealed. Read on to find out more. The initial image was featured on a promotional glass for the upcoming film and revealed a large figure with multiple arms alongside other members of Thanos’ crew, Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight. Speculation around this character’s identity ranged from a redesigned Black Dwarf…
Comics have been going a long time, and as such they sometimes have a hard time keep stories shocking and fresh. In order to combat this writers will often utilize the concept of an alternate universe in order to change up the status-quo. This can be seen in Marvel Comics in several forms, but most notably in the Ultimate Marvel universe, the Marvel Zombies Universe or the 1602 universe. Now it seems we may be seeing a similar technique being incorporated into the MCU, at least that’s what an interview with one of the franchise’s key actors seems to hint…
Thor: Ragnarok is now available globally on Digital Download and with it, a wealth of special features and deleted scenes. One of these deleted scenes has a revealed in an interesting cameo from a certain Guardians of the Galaxy character who we thought we had lost. Obviously, if you haven’t seen Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, you shouldn’t be here. Otherwise, you know Yondu didn’t make it out. The aforementioned deleted scene is titled ‘Kevin & Lou’ and features Michael Rookers Mohawked ravager, Yondu, interrupting one of Hela and Skurge’s executions looking for Kevin and Lou’s office. The Kevin…
One of the most memorable scenes in the teaser trailer for last year’s Thor: Ragnarok was when Hela stopped Mjölnir in its tracks before destroying it. Many fans remember that scene took place in an alleyway in the first trailer, how the film and later trailers changed the setting to a meadow. The film’s director, Taika Waititi, revealed that this was done as the original scene was deemed as being too sad to see the once great ruler of Asgard, dying in a back alley in New York, and as such the scene was relocated to a much more fitting…
Marvel’s latest film, Black Panther, is currently kicking all sorts of ass in theaters all over the world – but what’s next for the King of Wakanda? Where will Chadwick Boseman be appearing next in the MCU? When will we get Black Panther 2? Let’s take a look, shall we?! Those of you eagerly anticipating the next visit to Wakanda will be happy to know that you won’t have long to wait, with Avengers: Infinity War set to feature several pivotal scenes taking place in the fictional country. Speculation is that T’Challa will give his Avengers colleague, The Vision, sanctuary…
While T’Challa may be the one who is heading Marvel’s latest blockbuster Black Panther, it was his younger sister, Shuri, who many agree was a standout character. Now, some newly released concept art has surfaced which shows that she was very nearly an even bigger bad ass. Read on to check it out, but be warned – their may be spoilers! A piece of artwork from the recently Black Panther: The Art of the Movie was revealed on Imgur and it gives us a look at Letitia Wright’s breakthrough character suited up as the Black Panther herself. Obviously, this never ended…
There was initially some debate about whether or not New Line Cinemas upcoming movie Shazam! would actually be part of the DCEU currently being spearheaded by Warner Bros. Luckily this was indeed confirmed to be the case when WB announced it would be the Seventh film in their series following this year’s Aquaman, but it that wasn’t enough to go on, some recent set photos have tied the film to a villain we have already seen in the series. The photos themselves were uploaded via the Twitter user, PotbellyGamers, and shows several posters for boxing matches taking place in Philadelphia.…
Let’s be honest, Star Wars: The Last Jedi was a divisive film. You just need to look at any forum or comment section to see just how divisive. Whilst many of these complaints are aimed at the film’s writing and strange characterization of certain characters, Star Wars: The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams believes the negative reception to be down to something else – namely Fanboys who are threatened by women. Read on to find out more. In a recent interview with IndieWire, Abrams, who is set to direct the next film in the saga, explained that the hate online…