Author: Mark Salcido

Senior Editor, Writer   Lifelong film fanatic, Mark Salcido was discovered frozen in carbonite by C.H.U.Ds. He was released to the surface level to spread his rants and opinions on anything of film and digital. Batman calls him for advice.

The teaser for Marvel’s Dr. Strange has finally dropped today and Marvel keeps on reminding us why they are the powerhouse of the comic book movie world. The MCU has finally started to delve into the mystical world of Marvel that has been a prominent role for decades. In the trailer, we get we get a small intro for Steve Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and the accident that would set him on a course to encounter The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton), Baron Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and the eventual confrontation with the still unknown villain played by Mads Mikkelsen. A lot of…

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With the advancement in technology and filmmaking starting to blur together, some directors decide to push the limit of entertainment. Many directors are trying new and inventive ways to tell an immersive story for their audience members that push the boundaries of what can be possible. Director Ilya Naishuller’s Hardcore takes a huge leap forward in First Person filmmaking but is the idea of having every shot of the film through the eyes our hero something refreshing or just a passing gimmick? Let’s find out. Player 1 has entered the game. As you can see from the comment above, this…

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So we’ve got to talk about something that happens in the first 15 minutes of the film. But it’s a spoiler…kinda. Still here? Good. Either you’ve already so the movie or don’t care what happens. In Batman V. Superman, Jimmy Olsen isn’t the typical buddy/chum of Superman. In it, he is a secret CIA operative that gets killed at the beginning of the film. Olsen is at the receiving of a bullet, but happens so fast that I didn’t even notice it was said character until I wind of it later. Thanks to Birth. Movies. Death., I later…

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Here we are. We have finally gotten The Dark Knight and the Man of Steel in one movie that is neither animated or some type of Easter egg. This movie has been given a stern watchful eye by critics and fanboys since Warner Bros. announced the epic battle would be the next adventure of Superman. So with all the hype and talk does this movie add up to the people expectations? Well, let’s dive in and find out. Don’t worry, this one is spoiler free. The plot that occupies this film is goes in three different directions; Batman preparing…

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As Warner Bros. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is upon us, footage from a short documentary shows a collaboration between Brash Entertainment and Factor 5 on creating a new Superman game  in the works, years before the Synder reboot was in play. The documentary goes on to talk about the ideas of what was to use in the game, including villains and how to make the game something new and exciting from all the craptacular Superman games of the past. The problem the developers kept coming across was exactly how the story would go for the Man of Steel…

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Since the release of the rated-R comic book film, Deadpool, audience members have been turning their attention to Marvel and DC on whether they intend to start following suit with their roster of upcoming comic book films. Granted, there is an R-rated director’s cut version of Batman v Superman planned for Blu Ray and DVD release, the DCEU plan on keeping everything else, PG-13. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, producer Charles Roven spoke more on the matter with Collider at a recent press junket: “I think that the DC Justice League characters, particularly because so many of them are…

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Bloodline is one those slow burn type shows that keep you on the edge of your seat and ended the first season with a well deserved pay off. Now a premiere date is set for May 27th and images of the second season have hit online along with a synopsis of what’s to come of the upcoming new ten episodes. Spoilers ahead…. Still interested? Good. First plot synopsis reads: Season 2 begins with the Rayburn family struggling to conceal their unthinkable crime. Mysterious strangers from Danny’s past arrive with a dangerous agenda. Law enforcement is closing in on the…

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Before Sony and Marvel brokered a deal to share the famous web-slinger in the MCU, Chris Cooper, who played Norman Osborn, was set to return in Amazing Spider-Man 3 as the well known villain…just the head, in a box. Chris Cooper gave an interview with Comic Book Resources about his role in what was supposed to be the third film in the Amazing Spider-Man trilogy. “I dare say if this ‘Spider-Man’ franchise had carried on, I was guaranteed a huge role in ‘[Amazing] Spider-Man 3.’ That character was going to expand,” revealed by Cooper whose character died of a mysterious…

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So, the Oscars are drawing close to our television screens and the hash tag, #OscarsSoWhite is reentering the public consciousness in full force. Since the announcement of the 2016 nominations, many of the rules for the voting members of the Academy have changed to allow a newer and fresher generation of members to have a say in the voting process. These rules would allow more diverse and more open-minded members to have a say in what gets nominated and what should be given notice. But, the Academy is not the only one at fault for this year’s debacle. The fault…

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Since Deadpool has been injected into the mainstream consciousness, the next obvious would be the Merch with the Mouth to host an episode of Saturday Night Live. A petition on has popped up and asking your signature for Ryan Reynolds to host the show as the character Deadpool. No one has hosted the show in character but there’s always a first time for anything. The petition is already at about 55,000 signatures. So let’s make this happen, folks. This is something that needs to happen in our lives. Sign the petition here. 

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