Author: Mark Salcido

Senior Editor, Writer   Lifelong film fanatic, Mark Salcido was discovered frozen in carbonite by C.H.U.Ds. He was released to the surface level to spread his rants and opinions on anything of film and digital. Batman calls him for advice.

Alien, Ridley Scott’s sci-fi horror that kick-started a franchise has continued to thrive not only in the media of film, but also in books, comics, video games, toys, and so many others. Some have argued that the first film in the Alien series is the best while others would argue that its sequel, Aliens, is indeed the master classic. A case can be made for either of those statements, but I would say that the stepchild of the franchise, Alien 3, deserves a certain level of respect from the fans. Now I know some people may call me crazy -…

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Tyrese Gibson to Play Green Lantern? Tyrese Gibson cast as one of DC’s greatest heroes? Well, hold on there. Gibson, who was just in the latest installment in the Fast and Furious franchise, has been lobbying for the role of John Stewart AKA Green Lantern.  Some time has gone by but lately, speculation on Green Lantern’s appearance has been ramping up again thanks to Henry Cavil and his need to troll the fans. Gibson has joined the fray by posting a image on his Instagram page of what the actor would look like if he were to play the role,…

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It’s here. It’s Marvel on Fox Network. It’s from director Bryan Singer. It’s the new mutant show The Gifted and it’s kind of “meh”. Before we get into that, let’s talk a bit of news about the show. Fox has already decided to pick up the new show for a full season run which is great news given Fox’s track record of canceling potentially good shows before the season is even done with. To wet the whistle of people waiting for this show, a teaser has been released and it looks interesting but also kind of cheap. Even though shows…

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What the s&*t?! It looks like the sequel to last year’s comic book superhero film, Deadpool, has had to delay production. But don’t get your panties in a bunch; it’s only for one week. Now, the production has come across a few hiccups with the loss of director Tim Miller and the seemingly long casting search for Cable, but the film will resume principal photography in the land of Maple Syrup known as Vancouver, Canada. Many sources to the production in the area have been listing the film as Love Machine, Deadpool 2 as the title, but that could just…

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The discussion for which Comic Book company is better has been raging on for as long as the first cave painting was discovered. Don’t quote me on that. Marvel and DC have been continuously duking it out for Box Office supremacy for quite some time and it’ll ramp up further with the soon to be released Wonder Woman and next year’s Justice League. The fans of each company constantly love to share their opinion on whose stories and characters are better – all over the internet in heated battles that rival those on the big screen. One such fan of DC,…

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When you think of epic films, Peter Jackson is pretty high up there on the list. The man was able to bring the massive world of J.R.R Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy and prequel to the big screen, which will never be duplicated again. Peter Jackson even gave it another go on an epic scale by bringing a classic piece of cinema that defines art for a new generation with King Kong. Granted that film wasn’t a massive hit like the Lord of the Rings films, but it still was a beautiful sight nonetheless. Jackson has had a long…

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Well known music composer Hans Zimmer was out promoting his online master class in musical composing and he drop a bit of info on why he’s leaving the superhero genre behind. Hans Zimmer’s biggest superhero genre splash was in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy but when he was brought in to write a new Batman theme for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Zimmer decided to bring in composer Junkie XL instead. Zimmer gave his reason for wanting to leave the superhero genre in an interview with Inverse: “I keep thinking about new styles of music and new ways of…

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Hello hello again, Screen Geek readers. If you have just come back from watching Kong: Skull Island or are just in the mood for some monster like films, do we have a list for you. We got the classic Godzilla (updated), the inner monsters of humanity, a balls to the wall action kaiju style flick, a comedy that will make you hoot and howl like a monster, and a few selections of monsters from other parts of the country. You hear that rumble in the background? It’s the Kaiju edition of “What To Stream This Weekend”. Godzilla (2014) Sci-Fi…

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*Heads Up: SPOILER WARNING for some of the X-Men Films including Logan* Comic book films have graced our TV and theater screens dating back to the early 50’s and have been thriving for the past 20 years. With many actors taking the roles of superheroes, like Superman, Batman, Bruce Banner/Hulk, Captain America (there were two before Evans), and Doctor Strange (yes there’s a Doctor Strange film from the 70s), one actor has been a constant; Hugh Jackman. Since the first X-Men movie was released in 2000, Jackman has taken the antihero known as Wolverine, and made him the centerpiece in…

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Logan was recently released in theaters and all though the film has garnered rave reviews from fans and critics, some may have missed a few hidden Easter eggs for comic fans. Minor Spoilers for the first 15 minutes of Logan. In the film we get an introduction of what Logan has been doing in his spare time. One scene in particular is when Logan has taken a job chauffeuring for a funeral. Now you if you blink, you might miss it and if you did, Logan finds a nice cozy spot by a tree and takes a few sips of…

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