Author: Mark Salcido

Senior Editor, Writer   Lifelong film fanatic, Mark Salcido was discovered frozen in carbonite by C.H.U.Ds. He was released to the surface level to spread his rants and opinions on anything of film and digital. Batman calls him for advice.

The next Doctor has been announced, and for some, it’s completely out of left field. Enter actress Jodi Whittaker. Peter Capaldi—who plays Doctor Number 12—is set to step out of the Tardis once last time this year in the Doctor Who Christmas special and fans were speculating who is replacement would be. To back up for a minute (SPOILERS); the last time we left the Doctor, he had just defeated the Cybermen once again with the aid of his companions and two versions of his arch nemesis, The Master…you ready that right, two of them. The classic act of regeneration…

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Edgar Wright has been the talk of the town for the past this week- with the release of his long awaited film Baby Driver. While making the interview runs across all media, Wright explained what went down in regards to him and Marvel’s Ant-Man, a film that he had been working on for close to a decade. It’s well known that he had left the project due to creative differences and when asked if he’d ever seen the movie or at least the trailer; Wright would explain choosing not to seeing it and comparing it to like watching your ex-girlfriend…

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Edgar Wright is one of those directors whose style is eclectic and kinetic without the overload. His films have been known for having great music that elevates the story to another level that is worthy of toe-tapping. His comic book adaptation of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim vs. The World gave the audience a musical through the “Art of Fighting” (see what I did there?) that gave us a wider view of Wright’s talent as a versatile director. His next film, Baby Driver, is another extension of his musical talent, but this time through the original idea of displaying the…

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Edgar Wright has a history of pushing the limit of his talent by tackling different genres and different ways of telling a relatable story to his audience. With Scott Pilgrim vs. World having him stretch out in the world of musicals through unconventional means, Baby Driver is a full out sprint with nothing holding him back. Some would say he’s a madman. Some would say that this will never work. Well, it did work and it’s borderline perfect. Didn’t mean to bury the lead there, but I think you should know what you’re getting yourself into. Strap in, buckle up,…

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Transformers is the Hasbro toy product that just won’t die, plain and simple. Michael Bay has been making Transformers films for the Summer blockbuster season going on 10 years now and his latest, The Last Knight, is ready and set to be released upon the world like raining blaster shots from Starscream. No matter how badly we want him to stop. With nostalgia for everything set in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and even 90’s on an all time high, it only seems fitting that I go back and check out the classic animated film about robots in disguise. Fair warning, this…

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Earlier this year we got news that Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons classic superhero meta comic book Watchmen was set to be rebooted as an HBO television series and it looks like it’s just got the greenlit. THR is reporting that The Leftovers very own Damon Lindelof will be spear heading the project for the network since his show finally wrapped this year to critical success. We are also getting news that the series won’t be going off of Zack Snyder’s 2009s film and will be a new reinvention of the series. Lindelof was well known for show running ABC’s…

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Guess what folks? Sin City is being rebooted as a TV series -but you knew it was going to happen eventually. Frank Miller’s widely popular comic book series hit the big screen with Sin City in 2005 and Sin City: A Dame To Kill For in 2014, the latter being considered a flop. With no sign of the reboot train slowing down but only going faster, Deadline is reporting that TWC/Dimension is developing a TV version of the comics. Producer Glen Mazzara of The Shield, The Walking Dead and Damian fame is said to be the show runner for the…

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Alien, Ridley Scott’s sci-fi horror that kick-started a franchise has continued to thrive not only in the media of film, but also in books, comics, video games, toys, and so many others. Some have argued that the first film in the Alien series is the best while others would argue that its sequel, Aliens, is indeed the master classic. A case can be made for either of those statements, but I would say that the stepchild of the franchise, Alien 3, deserves a certain level of respect from the fans. Now I know some people may call me crazy -…

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Tyrese Gibson to Play Green Lantern? Tyrese Gibson cast as one of DC’s greatest heroes? Well, hold on there. Gibson, who was just in the latest installment in the Fast and Furious franchise, has been lobbying for the role of John Stewart AKA Green Lantern.  Some time has gone by but lately, speculation on Green Lantern’s appearance has been ramping up again thanks to Henry Cavil and his need to troll the fans. Gibson has joined the fray by posting a image on his Instagram page of what the actor would look like if he were to play the role,…

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It’s here. It’s Marvel on Fox Network. It’s from director Bryan Singer. It’s the new mutant show The Gifted and it’s kind of “meh”. Before we get into that, let’s talk a bit of news about the show. Fox has already decided to pick up the new show for a full season run which is great news given Fox’s track record of canceling potentially good shows before the season is even done with. To wet the whistle of people waiting for this show, a teaser has been released and it looks interesting but also kind of cheap. Even though shows…

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