Author: Mark Salcido

Senior Editor, Writer   Lifelong film fanatic, Mark Salcido was discovered frozen in carbonite by C.H.U.Ds. He was released to the surface level to spread his rants and opinions on anything of film and digital. Batman calls him for advice.

Carrie Fisher’s death sent shock waves across the world. It not only affected people in the film business and those who love cinema – but it also hit people who admired the character and saw Fisher and Princess Leia as a sign of female empowerment. We last saw Fisher in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and anyone anticipating The Last Jedi was more than looking forward to seeing her play one of her most famous roles once again. With that, co-star John Boyega has given fans news that Leia will be given a proper send off in Star Wars: The Last…

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Wonder Woman is still in theaters as of right now, and has garnered over $780 million dollars which may make it the biggest movie of 2017. Other than commercial success, the film has gathered a ton of critical acclaim for its directions by Patty Jenkins. According to Variety, Warner Bros. is planning a push for a campaign to grab the attention of the Academy Awards, mainly in the category of Best Picture and Best Director. Warner Bros. is set to put down a high level of money for advertising in the form of special watermarked DVDs sent to Academy members, special…

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Are you guys ready to see Jared Leto appear on the big screen as a pale white skinned killer machine based on a comic book character? No it’s the new Batman film or Gotham Sirens film. It’s Valiant Comics’ very own Bloodshot. Yeah, I’m scratching my head too. Although it’s not uncommon for actors to jump between comic book franchise, I.E. Chris Evan, Ben Affleck, or Ryan Reynolds -this one was out of left field. Valiant Comics is getting ready to jump into the comic book franchise game with their large selection of comic books characters like Harbinger, X-O Manowar, and…

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Footage from Avengers: Infinity War was one the biggest things to come out of D-23 this year and with that also came a little bit of news of who exactly will and will not be appearing in the film. But first… Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios was able to bring some serious interest to one of the most talked about Marvel movies, Captain Marvel, which is set to be released in 2019. If you haven’t heard, Samuel Jackson is set to reprise his role as Nick Fury for the film that will be set in the 90’s and follow the adventure…

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It’s finally here, folks. We finally got a glimpse of the new season of Westworld. Last season we saw the beginning of the uprising from the androids that made the Wild West—amusement park an entertaining spot for high paying guest. As the bodies starting to fall and the mystery of park began to unravel, the credits rolled and audience were eager to see what happens next. HBO decided to wet are whistle just a bit by giving the audience a trailer playing to the tune of Sammy Davis Jr’s I’ve Gotta Be Me and gave us a look of what’s…

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Visionary and masterful director Steven Spielberg was at Comic Con earlier today to talk about his newest film Ready Player One and give the audience a peak of the movie. Within minutes of this panel the trailer was released online and it looks spectacular. The film, based off of the novel by Ernest Cline is set in a dystopian future of 2044 filled with overpopulation and the economy on the verge of collapse. Enter the VR system known as “The Oasis”. The deep computer system is used in all forms of life such as entertainment, education, and even the workforce.…

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Want to go to the premiere of DC’s biggest movie? Well, you’re in luck because DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. will give the fans a chance to attend the premiere of Justice League. A contest has been announced this week for people itching to be the first to see the movie before the general audience. We all know the film will bring the likes of Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Superman together to battle the forces of Steppenwolf and his army of Parademons in a big way. At this year’s SDCC, before Warner Bros panel, the contest being…

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David Ayer and Will Smith decided to make a stop at this year’s Comic Con to premiere the official trailer from their film Bright. Today at Hall H, Netflix brought out Suicide Squad director David Ayer on stage along with cast Will Smith, Joel Edgerton, Noomi Rapace, Lucy Fry, Edgar Ramirez and more to talk about the high concept fantasy–set in our reality–film. Ayer went on to discuss that he has plans for a sequel and his inspiration for this kind of movie. He went on to give praised to Netflix for allowing him to make such a fantastical film…

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Avengers: Infinity War is drawing closer with every passing day and the hype train for the film seems to only get more intense. Rumors have been swirling that Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe could be a reboot – but one filmmaker behind the scenes of Marvel has shot those rumors down. James Gunn took to Twitter when asked about this very question and his response was pretty straight forward when it comes to the MCU and concerning the Guardians of the Galaxy: We at least know that the actors and actresses of the Guardians of the Galaxy…

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It’s Comic Con week so let’s get started with all the comic book and film related news. It looks like Marvel is gearing up Netflix’s The Defenders with a simple single comment off of their social media site that’s leading fans to wonder if Spider-Man might be swinging around onto the show. Fans of Marvel’s four series (Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Iron Fist) have been waiting, in what seems like forever, for the show to premiere and constantly been teased with promotions up the wazoo. And it continues with a promo website for the series, that features (prepare…

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