Author: Mark Salcido

Senior Editor, Writer   Lifelong film fanatic, Mark Salcido was discovered frozen in carbonite by C.H.U.Ds. He was released to the surface level to spread his rants and opinions on anything of film and digital. Batman calls him for advice.

Tom Hanks, aka America’s Dad, continues to be just an awesome guy and to also continue his mission to constantly win over everyone’s heart. Hanks has signed up to play the role of a person that has a strong staple in any millennials cold dead heart…Mr. Rogers. Entertainment Weekly is reporting that the actor will play the role of Fred Rogers in the drama You Are My Friend and will be based on the relationship between Rogers and journalist Tom Junod. The journalist got to know the Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood star while writing a profile about the children’s television pioneer…

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When the end credits of The Force Awakens began to roll, hype and anticipation was at an all-time high for the next installment in the Star Wars franchise. Before it was released to the public, critics all over gave praise that was fitting for a new Star Wars film. Once it hit theaters, a slow buildup of backlash was happening that was something new for the franchise. Sure, there was a unanimous decision that the prequels were awful beyond belief—with some folks calling those films the best in the franchise—but Star Wars: The Last Jedi has become something that no…

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You know what you’re getting when your eyes land on the words “Star Wars”. Battles set in space, lightsabers, blasters, Stormtroopers missing their targets, talks about balance between light and darkness… the usual. Of course, after the credits had rolled for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, audience members were eager to see the next installment and counted the days until the release date. What was released was something that goes beyond what Star Wars is about. It goes beyond the blasters, the spaceships, the lightsabers, it goes beyond what to expect out of a Star Wars film and so much…

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The Avengers: Infinity War trailer dropped online this week and the fans absolutely freaked out. Many loved the trailer so much that YouTubers and comic book fans have been going over the trailer with a fine-tooth comb to find out what its in store for our heroes as they battle against Thanos, his army, and his children, The Black Order. Fans have been speculating that some of the Avengers or other Marvel heroes won’t be able to make it to the end of this battle as the Russo brothers have been giving hints that some of the heroes that we…

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Spider-Man: Homecoming has finally been released for your “at home” consumption so you know the folks at Screen Junkies are ready to release an Honest Trailer for the film. The trailer likes to pick apart the film when it comes to logic, forced relationships with the wall crawler and even the slow ripple effects of the Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline coming apart, but it’s done in a fun and non-malicious way…unlike CinemaSins. Anyway, the Honest Trailer is a fun watch even if you have seen the movie over a dozen times. Screen Junkies did their homework when it comes to…

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You may turn off the panic alarms, the crisis has been adverted. The one-sided beef between Tyrese Gibson and The Rock is over. I know, I didn’t think the Fast and Furious franchise was going to survive this type of turbulence either. For those that weren’t on the edge of their seats, here’s what happened. Actor Tyrese Gibson, who plays Roman Pearce in Fast and Furious 5, 6, 7, and 8, has been all over his social media sites calling out Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, claiming that The Rock was trying to split up the billion dollar franchise. Gibson was…

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It was revealed this week that a reboot of 1994’s The Crow would be moving into production in February of next year with comic creator James O’Barr working very closely with the producers and director Corin Hardy. If you’re a fan of the comic (or the movie) you probably already know that there were a few terrible sequels to the 1994 film that just weren’t very good. It turns out, though, we could have had a much more interesting sequel than any of the ones we were given. While speaking at Los Angeles Comic Con, we were able to get…

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Last month, it was revealed that the reboot of The Crow had been is going to be distributed by Sony with the 1994 film’s producers. Though it wasn’t really confirmed if Corin Hardy and Jason Momoa were still attached, the actor and director did post some very interesting social media posts back in July that made it seem as though they were. We had the chance to get James O’Barr’s (the creator of The Crow) comments about the status of the reboot at Los Angeles Comic Con, and he confirmed that Hardy was still involved: “As of right now, it’s…

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Justice League is set to be released in less than a month and news about what happens in the film has not slow down. We all have an idea of the story set in the film. The heroes must unite after the death of Superman to fight an evil force by the name of Steppenwolf in order to save the world from total destruction or takeover. Of course it’s going to feature Batman, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Aquaman; otherwise that would be really weird having a movie called Justice League without the “League”. In the latest issue of…

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There have been many takes on Thor in Marvel Comics. Most recently, Thor has been deemed unworthy to hold the power of Mjolnir since the events of Original Sin and it has been passed on to someone more worthy to wield the hammer. For a sort while we didn’t know who the female Thor using Mjolnir was and for a time being, it was anybody’s guess on. Later it was revealed to be none other than (prepare yourself) Jane Foster that became the new All Mighty Thor while former Thor would become known just as Odinson. That being said, many…

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