Author: Mark Salcido

Senior Editor, Writer   Lifelong film fanatic, Mark Salcido was discovered frozen in carbonite by C.H.U.Ds. He was released to the surface level to spread his rants and opinions on anything of film and digital. Batman calls him for advice.

Hello loyal readers, you folks are in for a treat. The managing editor/writer, Mark Salcido, and editor/writer, Kelsey Loiselle of have a podcast for you called The Reel Appeal. We cover film news and the world of cinema, reviews of new releases, but more importantly, breakdown the classic and cult-loved films with and without the nostalgic lens. Two episodes of the Reel Appeal podcast are up on our Podbean website for you. Give the show a listen to on Podbean, Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, or any other podcast catchers. If you want to contact us and be part of the…

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The DCEU has been quiet for some time since Warner Bros scored another major win with this year’s Shazam. There has been little news on Patty Jenkins’ sequel to 2017’s Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman 1984, and some are beginning to wonder if Matt Reeves’s The Batman will ever be made. That’s changing when news got that writer from the Washington Post tweeted details on the originally planned Ben Affleck Batman film. The tweet was sent from reporter David Betancourt and says that the film was to be a “versus” feature pitting Batman against one of oldest foes, Deathstroke. Joe Manganiello…

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Many eagle eye fans of Avengers: Endgame might have noticed some of the differences in the movie from the trailer. Marvel tends to do this in order to keep the audience guessing on what will happen in their movies up until the release date. In many cases, scenes will be cut from films for runtime purposes or to allow the plot and pace of the movie to flow more easily. Avengers: Endgame had to take this route when it came to cutting out a hard-hitting emotional moment with Tony Stark and his much older daughter, Morgan, played by actress Katherine…

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Season eight for HBO’s Game of Thrones has been going through a rough patch since the end of the first episode. Though the expectations were high leading up to the foretold epic the battle or battles the show has been promising, they have falling kind of flat. The Battle of Winterfell was too damn dark to see and many of the characters’ arcs have either been thrown out the window like a Stark or given a horribly written WWE heel turn. Well, if this season has pissed you off like so many others, then you’re in luck. A new petition…

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Netflix has been the dominating streaming service for years with its number of subscribers reaching 150 million worldwide. Amazon Prime and Hulu have been creating new content in order to combat the mega streaming giant but has yet to cause serious damage. Some were speculating that Disney’s new streaming service, Disney +, might give Netflix a run for their money with new Star Wars, Marvel content, and Fox studios library. Now, Disney has taken it further by just buying Hulu altogether. Reports have come out that the House of Mouse has bought a large share of Hulu from Comcast that…

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Video game adaptions are one of the biggest problems in Hollywood. There have been many attempts to capitalize on the genre but most have been god awful to moderately good—maybe give Detective Pikachu a pass. Director James Wan is hoping to break that cycle of bad video adaptations with his iteration of Mortal Kombat – as it has been announced that the film is finally a “go”.  Wan—who is coming off the massive success of Aquaman—is all set to produce one of the most controversial fighting games for the big screen. New Line Cinema—the studio backing up the film—has announced…

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The Purge franchise is something that should’ve worked for only two movies, max, but has been trucking along since introduced to our pop culture. With a second season of the TV series on USA networks announced and the fourth installment was a big hit last year, another one was inevitable. Well, Universal Pictures has finally dropped the news on the release date for the fifth Purge movie. Blumhouse Productions and Platinum Dunes are producing once again alongside creator James DeMonaco. Making sure that the gravy train is missed, producers Jason Blum, Man in a Tree duo DeMonaco and Sebastien Lemercier,…

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Avengers: Endgame allowed the audience to say goodbye to some of their favorite characters while giving said characters satisfying send-offs. Some of it involved a heroic sacrifice and some involved time travel that—once given a critical thought—might come off very conflicting with the MCU timeline. Fortunately for us, writers of Avengers: Endgame, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, gave some insight on one of those time travel issues in a recent interview. SPOILERS FOR AVENGERS: ENDGAME (YOU SHOULD’VE SEEN THE MOVIE BY NOW)! After the defeat of Thanos and his army, our heroes have left the Infinity Stones and a promise…

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Time travel can be a funny and complicated thing in real life and in storytelling. There are so many opportunities for plot holes to be created and only a very few amount of films or shows can get away unscathed. Though Avengers: Endgame is a near perfect movie, it does not go without its issues with the plot device of going back to the past to save the present. The Russo brothers are here to help with some of those issues during their interview with the Hollywood Reporter. The directing duo and writers, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, have had…

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The trailer for It: Chapter 2 was finally released online this week and “terrified” was the end result. The video left fans with so many questions about the plot in the sequel. One of those questions is how much material of the book will end up in the movie this time around. Screenwriter of the sequel, Gary Dauberman, was able to bring some insight to what plays out in It: Chapter 2 from Stephen King’s classic book. Dauberman sat down with The Hollywood Reporter and spoke about two controversial plot points in the book that will end up in the…

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