When concept art was released, it showed plans of Beebop, Rocksteady, and Krang’s inclusion in the first movie. Though they were scrapped, set pics soon revealed that Beebop and Rocksteady would certainly make their way into the sequel. But the question on everyone’s mind was if they were going to mutate into a warthog and rhino. The first trailer answered that question, but it also raised another. Though it reminded us of Shredder’s threat, while acquiring the aid of Beebop, Rocksteady, and Baxter Stockman, it also teased another, yet more looming threat. What were these invading ships? Fans of the…
Author: Allen D. Lyons
First Harley Quinn, then Deadshot, most recently Amanda Waller, and now Deathstroke. Suicide Squad is gonna be an awesome movie. But it does not bode well for Arrow fans. Unlike Marvel, all of DC’s rights sit at Warner Brothers. They are able to use any character they please, in any of their projects. However, somebody feels that it is not a good idea to have two different versions of a character at the same time. This makes me worry about the Flash by the time Ezra Miller hits the big screen. In Season 2, Episode 16 of Arrow, entitled “Suicide Squad,” John Diggle joined the…
A hero isn’t a superhero until he has a battle cry. With superheroes dominating pop culture these days, these cries have become everyday catch phrases. And not just the kids are hollering them. Let’s take a look at the 10 most famous superhero battle cries! 10. “Goongala!” – Casey Jones If you see this hockey mask, chances are, you were warned. Stephen Amell will continue the line of actors behind the Ninja Turtle ally, whom appeared in both live action and animation. Better known for another battle cry, hopefully we’ll hear Amell holler this in the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out…
Shortly after confirming that Grant Gustin’s Flash will special-guest-star on Supergirl, the name for the episode has been revealed. Episode 118 of Supergirl, which will air on March 28th, will be called “Worlds Finest.” Remember how the first Flash/Arrow crossover was called “The Brave and the Bold.” On surface level, the title references the classic comic book title that teamed Superman up with Batman. But if you notice, the comic book title was “World’s Finest,” while the episode is “Worlds Finest.” Notice the lack of apostrophe? The title could very well be hinting at the multiple “worlds” existing within the…
When it was announced that Arrow showrunners, Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg, were doing another DC show – featuring Superman’s cousin, Kara – many were wondering if she’d be part of the Arrowverse. The glimmer of doubt was that Supergirl was on CBS, not CW, like Arrow, Flash, and the most recent, Legends of Tomorrow. But when Constantine, another DC show, was canceled from NBC, his fan support landed him a special-guest-star on Arrow. Then rumors started to circle of a Flash and Supergirl crossover. Fan boys and girls rejoice! Comicbook.com has announced that Flash’s Grant Gustin will indeed run over to Supergirl’s National City on March 28th. “We are so incredibly excited to…
Warning: this article contains spoilers from The Flash episode 211: “The Reverse-Flash Returns” Many hypotheses have been thrown around as to who is Zoom. When Jay Garrick broke through the breach from Earth Two, he brought the villain with him. Harrison Wells also stepped over. Tom Cavanagh reprised his role, but essentially, he was a different character. In season one, a flashback told that Wells and his wife were killed by Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash, in 2000. Thawne from the 22nd Century shape-shifted into Wells and took over his identity. Eventually, Eddie Thawne killed himself to stop the family name…
Last year’s crossover was a reminder that The Flash and Arrow share a universe. Now an annual event, this year’s told us that the universe is about to get bigger. When Barry visited Oliver in Starling City (now called Star City), he returned to Central City as his own hero. Eventually, even two cities were too crowded. Dr. Martin Stein could forge with another meta-human to create Firestorm. So he took the show on the road. Sara Lance fought alongside Arrow as The Canary. After she was killed, her sister resurrected her with the Lazarus Pit. As the White Canary,…
After what seems like years of waiting, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is almost upon us. It will turn 2012’s Man of Steel into a shared universe. Not only will it introduce Batman to the cineverse, but also Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Flash. Not to mention, villains Lex Luthor and Doomsday. Of course, the rest of the villains will arrive later 2016 in Suicide Squad. What does Ben Affleck’s future look like in this DC Extended Universe, or DCEU? If Will Smith has his way, we might see a “Good, Bad, and the Ugly” showdown between Deadshot, Bats, and Jared Leto’s Joker. Batman v…
Movies and music go hand-in-hand. The perfect soundtrack could make or break a movie. Guardians of the Galaxy was a comic book, space epic, that could easily been done by the likes of John Williams or Danny Elfman. But it was the music Peter Quill’s mother raised him on that put us inside the Earthling’s head. Don’t get me wrong, John Williams painted the scenes of Star Wars just as well as George Lucas did. And how can you not read Batman without hearing Danny Elfman’s theme, from the 1989 movie, that carried over to the animated series? When I…
It’s only winter, but we’re already getting a taste of next summer. The trailers for Batman v Superman and Captain America: Civil War have me anxious. Now, there’s a trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2! Last I heard, it was going to be called Half Shell. But the title logo says otherwise. Out of the Shadows can imply that they’re out of the shadows of the sewers, and their master. They’re heroes of their own, and they’re gonna show the world. Who better to tell this to than Judith Hoag, our former April O’Neil. Will Beebop and Rocksteady mutate?…