While the Marvel Cinematic Universe has established itself with a continuity spanning films and television series, fans have eagerly been awaiting a more crossovers from the big screen to small screen, and vice versa. Right now, the strongest link between the MCU films and MCU TV series is Peggy Carter, the supporting character of 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger that now has her own series on ABC.
This has left people wondering if we’ll ever see a hero from the Netflix side of the MCU in one of the films. With both Daredevil and Jessica Jones being critical and popular hits alike, it seems like a no brainer for one of the titular heroes to appear in an upcoming film, especially with Avengers: Infinity War promising a team-up of epic proportions.
In a video posted by ComicBook.com from a panel at Wizard World Portland, Krysten Ritter, who plays Jessica Jones on the hit series, spoke about the possibility of her character appearing in the next Avengers film:
“That’s a good question because I love Jessica and I love any opportunity to play her. Obviously, it’d be really exciting to be a part of those giant, huge movies with those great characters who are already established, so it’d be awesome. … It’d be awesome if I got to pop up somewhere else. There’s always the chance that could happen. I don’t really know, they don’t tell me anything, but also I’m totally stoked about the playground on Netflix.”
So it sounds possible, but not written in stone by any means.
Avengers: Infinity War – Part 1 will open on May 4th, 2018, with Part 2 following on May 3rd, 2019. A second season of Jessica Jones was ordered earlier this year in January.
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