Although the Marvel Cinematic Universe originally started out relatively small, the franchise has since branched out into an enormous amount of different ways, with additional movies, sequels, and television shows all expanding the universe and the super powered characters within. Obviously this has led to plenty of interesting discussions and debates among the fans of the MCU films, many of whom tend to argue about which of Marvel’s characters tends to be the most powerful.
Of course, these arguments tend to be very subjective and that’s fair given how there isn’t always a lot of consistency in how powerful a character will be in one film from the next. And although some fans would likely count Captain Marvel with her cosmic superpowers as the most powerful character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it turns out Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige doesn’t think so.
As explained by Kevin Feige, it turns out he believes that a slightly less expected character holds the title for being Marvel’s most powerful character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As he puts it, he thinks Wanda Maximoff, otherwise known as Scarlet Witch, is actually the most powerful being. Here’s what he stated specifically in a recent Q&A discussion at the New York Film Academy:
“If you look at Endgame, Wanda Maximoff was going to kill Thanos. That’s as scared as I’ve ever seen Thanos, and if he hadn’t said ‘Decimate my entire team’ to get her off of [him], I think she would have done it.”
He makes a good point, as Scarlet Witch does appear to have come pretty close to simply killing Thanos off once and for all. And while we don’t know the full extent of her powers yet, there is the upcoming series WandaVision which should give a strong idea of what she’s capable of. Especially since the series is designed to tie into a greater part of the fourth phase of the MCU. So who knows? Perhaps she is Marvel’s most powerful character.