Avengers: Infinity War was universally praised as a great film, and an event for any Marvel Cinematic Universe fan. However, some questioned the effect of the ending, considering characters that “died” at the end already have solo films announced for the future. Surely, Marvel wouldn’t just kill off characters that have more films lined up, would they? The Russo Brothers seem to think it’s possible.
While speaking to Huffington Post, Anthony Russo said:
“Here’s the thing, I think it’s important to remember anything is possible in the MCU [Marvel Cinematic Universe]. Just because there’s a sequel on the books doesn’t mean … people become accustomed to time moving linearly in the MCU. That doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. There’s a lot of very inventive ways of where the story can go from here.”
Joe Russo added:
“There’s four years between Guardians 2 and Infinity War. That’s a long time, and a lot of Guardians stories to tell. Again, as Anthony said, don’t expect everything to move forward in a linear fashion in the Marvel universe.”
No one honestly believes there’s a chance that characters like Black Panther or Spider-Man will remain dead, but it’s definitely interesting to think about. Whatever the case may be, we’ll most likely see all of the characters in Avengers 4, due in theaters May 3rd, 2019.
What do you think about the Russo Brothers comments on Avengers: Infinity War? Do you believe there’s a chance that the deaths in Infinity War could be for real? Be sure to tell us all of your thoughts in the comments down below!