Do you remember simpler times? When an Easter egg hunt was what children did at Easter? Not like now when an Easter egg hunt involves folk of the geeky persuasion analyzing every frame of a film for potential secrets. How times have changed, eh? But that’s not to say we don’t get that little thrill when we can nudge our buddies in the theater and smile knowing that the comment one of the characters made would become an important plot point five films from now. I guess what I’m trying to say is, we all love an Easter Egg, be it chocolate or in this latest case – a reference to Batman’s sidekick, Robin, in 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Now, I know what you’re saying.
‘James, you tosspot, we all saw THAT Easter egg in the very first trailer!’. To which I tell you fine folk ‘I’m not talking about that one! I’m talking about this one!’
Again, I know what you’re saying. ‘James, you dickhead, that’s just a busted up motorbike. What’s that got to do with Robin?‘. Well, whilst replying to a recent post on Vero, the film’s director, Zack Snyder seemingly confirmed that the bike did in fact belong to the former boy wonder.
We can only assume that the bike, much like the suit that Bruce keeps on display in the Batcave, belonged to former Robin, Jason Todd. It’s believed that Todd was killed by The Joker some point prior to the events of the film, possibly years based on this Easter egg, and that it was put into the film to tease a potential adaption of the acclaimed ‘Under the Hood‘ arc.
With much of the future of the DCEU, and Snyder’s involvement, currently up in the air, it’s hard to know whether we will ever see a payoff for these Easter eggs. But we can only hope that we get the chance to see the story unfold on the screen, ideally in the Matt Reeves Batman flick we were promised. Here’s hoping.
What do you think? Do you think the bike belonged to Robin? Would you like to see the story told in flashbacks? Let us know below!