James Mangold made a very specific film to conclude the legacy of Hugh Jackman, the Wolverine, and as a bonus, become of the boldest films ever conceived to a comic book cinematic experience. Though an R-rating was done by Deadpool in the X-Men line-up, the atmosphere and darkness of Logan was what made the film its own independent entry, natural of the way it needed to tell the story. The few but rich characters really worked the way they intended with the story, especially a surprising return of Caliban from X-Men: Apocalypse, this time played by Stephen Merchant.
Obvious SPOILERS follow!
Caliban, the albino mutant known for tracking other mutants, was kidnapped earlier by Pierce and the Reavers, made his final appearance in the film blowing up the truck he was imprisoned uttering the ironic “beware the light”. It turns out, however, that a deleted scene surfaced with a bit more to his sacrifice. We know Caliban couldn’t have survived that blast, but a revealed extended version surfaced up from Yahoo News, adding a bit more drama to the character’s end.
As Logan fends off his rabid clone doppelganger and carries the cuffed X-23 away from the villains, they look back to see a seared Caliban crawling out, and with his last ounce of breath, dies before us. An exchanged eye contact with no words whatsoever. While Logan and X-23 manage to live to fight another day, the breaking moment of realizing another friend aside from Charles was lost that day, as well as discovering how they were tracked down, proves to make the scene much grimmer than the theatrical cut.
Check it out below (if video doesn’t work, it’s linked at the bottom):
It’s unknown why this scene from the film was ultimately cut, but it gives us a lot more to look forward to with the Blu Ray release next week. Surely there could be more scenes of that magnitude that haven’t been made into the film. The world of Logan is only so rare to find in comic films these days.
Logan comes out on Blu Ray May 23rd. As well, be on the lookout for next week’s theory on Caliban and the future of the X-Men!
Source: Yahoo News