Over the years, actors have often joked about the fabled ‘Marvel Snipers’ who protect the upcoming details from becoming spoilt in interviews. If such a group does exist, they will likely have Samuel L. Jackson in their crosshairs as the Pulp Fiction actor may have just dropped a pretty big spoiler. Read on with caution.
Whilst promoting his latest film, Kong: Skull Island on Hot 97, the actor was questioned as to where he will next show up in his role as spymaster, Nick Fury. His response seemingly revealed the return of a character we haven’t seen since 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger, namely The Red Skull. Jackson explained:
“You didn’t see me in [Captain America:] Civil War, I’m still out there trying to figure out what The Skull is going to…”
Unfortunately the actor was cut off before he could finish, but it does seem as though that’s what he was implying.
The Red Skull, played Hugo Weaving, was last seen being teleported across the cosmos as a result of the Cosmic Cube during the finale of Captain America: The First Avenger. While it still may be a while before we see this on the screen, it should be noted that Weaving didn’t seem too keen on reprising the role as the villainous head of Hydra, so if the character does return it may be a different actor under the makeup.
You can check out the full interview below with the Marvel talk beginning around the 34 minute mark. The actor also confirms that he won’t be appearing in next years Black Panther.
With no new Captain America films in the pipeline, it’s unclear where the character may even appear, unless it is a minion to Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, which Jackson is confirmed to star in. Time will tell.
What do you think? Do you think the Skull will make a comeback? In what capacity and where? Let us know below!
Source: Hot 97 (via ComicBookMovie)