Now, I’m sure many of you saw the title and came here hoping to hear how Michael Shannon, an actor who appeared in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, has gone on record to say that not only has he not seen the film, but he actually fell asleep whilst watching it.
However I’m afraid you may be disappointed as the story isn’t exactly what you expect.
In an interview with Fandango, Boardwalk Empire star Shannon was asked his thoughts on the Superhero showdown movie to which he revealed:
“People ask me about this all the time. Okay, I’ll tell you the god’s honest truth. Zack [Snyder] is gonna kill me for this — he’s gonna kill me. I watched it once and I fell asleep. … I was on an international flight and I was tired. … I shouldn’t have been watching it on a plane. But I never go to the movies anymore! I don’t have time to see anything. I used to go to the movies all the time when I was 20 years old and wasn’t working 10 days a week.”
Given that Shannon’s role was merely as the corpse of General Zod which accounted for mere minutes of screentime, it makes sense that the actor wouldn’t go out of the way to sit down and watch it.
It’s especially great to see that the talented actor is spending more time working on movies than he does watching them. I’m sure that whenever the actor does finally get around to watching the film, he’ll actually enjoy it. Although given his, ‘Say what he thinks’ mentality, I’m sure we’all soon be hearing his actual thoughts on the film.
What do you think? Have you fallen asleep during this film? Do you think he’ll enjoy it when he see’s it? Let us know below!
Source: Fandango (Via Cinemablend)