In today’s instalment of ‘Things I didn’t expect to see on the internet’ we check out the first official music video from a band whose chief inspiration comes from Homer Simpson’s perpetually cheerful neighbour, Ned Flanders. Read on to check out the video in all its glory.
Okilly Dokilly (originally formed in Arizona) got their name from the characters catch-phrase, something which caused plenty of interest on the internet when it became known last year.
The band’s first single, White Wine Spritzer (the name coming from the drink that caused Ned and Homer to marry cocktail waitresses whilst on an impromptu trip to Vegas) was taken from their debut album Howdilly Doodilly. As you can see from the video below, the band takes it’s Flanders connection very seriously with each member sporting glasses, sweaters and of course the characters signature moustache.
Check it out below, neighborino!
The song itself is certainly different, but coupled with the Flanders theme, it makes some pretty damn fine entertainment.
You can preorder Howdilly Doodilly now on iTunes, Bandcamp and the bands own website Leftorium Superstore before it’s release on November 11th.
What do you think? Do you like the Flanders band? Will you be picking up the album? Let us know below!
Source: YouTube