The good people over at Couch Tomato have come up with another improbable comparison of two completely unrelated films. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never once pondered Christopher Nolan’s masterful Batman Begins and annoying 90’s kids’ movie Richie Rich in the same train of thought.
But, as it turns out, the two have more similarities than you might think. 24, to be exact. From the obvious (son of a billionaire, stuffy English butler, parents killed, kid starts running the family business) to the more ponderous (butler becomes the kid’s guardian, kid drops out of school to mind his parents’ legacy, discovers crooked businessmen running the company, there’s an underground entrance to the mansion, and even the poisoned water supply), it’s clear that the creators of the juvenile CEO were heavily influenced by Batman, and possibly even trying to create a lighthearted kids’ version.
Here’s the video:
What do you think of these crazy comparisons? Comment with your thoughts below!
Source: Couch Tomato