Rumors were circulating on Friday night that Deadpool 2 may add actor Kyle Chandler to portray Cable. Reportedly, it’s Miller’s first and favorite choice for the role – but FOX sees it a different way.
According to a recent tweet from Umberto Gonzalez, Fox wants Liam Neeson for the role but Tim Miller doesn’t.
They want Liam Neeson but Tim doesn’t.
— Umberto Gonzalez (@elmayimbe) August 13, 2016
While nothing is final yet, you have to wonder if this is the point where FOX starts making decisions rather than giving Miller and team the creative freedom that they did for the first film. I could definitely see Neeson as Cable but if the director is overruled on the decision, I’m not sure how it would end up.
A few months back, BossLogic came up with what he thought Liam Neeson would look like as Cable, and this was the end result:
If you’re undecided about who should play the character, go ahead and give our list on who we think would be perfect for the job.
Who do you want to play Cable? Tell us below!
Source: Umberto Gonzalez