Production is officially underway on Scream 7, the next installment of the long-running horror franchise. The new Scream sequel will refocus on Neve Campbell’s Sidney Prescott and explore her new family. This now includes actor Joel McHale who has been announced as Sidney’s husband in Scream 7.
Interestingly, many fans were expecting to see actor Patrick Dempsey reprise his role as Detective Mark Kincaid from Scream 3. A subtle reference in 2022’s Scream revealed that Sidney was married to someone named Mark, and fans believed it meant Mark Kincaid. While this could have been the idea at one point, it now looks like Joel McHale will be playing her husband named Mark Evans.
As shared by Deadline:
“Set to play her spouse, Mark Evans, in Scream 7 is none other than Joel McHale, who’s currently in production on the film in Atlanta.”
While Campbell returned for 2022’s Scream, she was notably absent from 2023’s Scream VI due to a pay dispute. Now she’s returning to the franchise for Scream 7 in place of Jenna Ortega and Melissa Barrera who led the two most recent installments. This means longtime fans will get to catch up with Campbell’s character and learn what Sidney has really been up to since the events of 2011’s Scream 4.
In addition to Neve Campbell and Joel McHale, the cast of Scream 7 also includes Courteney Cox as Gale Weathers, Mason Gooding as Chad Meeks-Martin, and Jasmin Savoy Brown as Mindy Meeks-Martin. Newcomers include Isabel May, Celeste O’Connor, Asa Germann, Mckenna Grace, Sam Rechner, and Anna Camp. While many details are being kept under wraps, we do know May will be playing Sidney’s daughter.
Scream 7 is being directed by Kevin Williamson who wrote the original two Scream movies and the first draft of Scream 4. Guy Busick wrote the seventh film. It’s currently scheduled to hit theaters on February 27, 2026. Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for more Scream news as we have it.