The television series Breaking Bad became a worldwide phenomenon following its AMC premiere in 2008. The series remained a major hit for the network until 2013. As such, fans have celebrated numerous elements associated with the series, including the house owned by Walter White and his family. Now the iconic Breaking Bad house is up for sale.
The house is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, having been owned by the same family since it was first constructed in the 1970s. The house is currently owned by a daughter of the couple who initially purchased it. However, the owner, named Joanne Quintana, has explained that the house’s popularity from Breaking Bad has made it too difficult to live there or take care of her parents.
As shared via Dexerto, Quintana explained one incident that provoked her family to set up security cameras and fences around their property. Here’s what she stated:
“Around 4:30 in the morning, the doorbell rang, my mom got up and opened the door, and it was a package. My brothers said, ‘That’s it, we’re done, fence is going up. That’s too close for comfort, the front door.’”
The package is said to have been addressed to “Walter White” himself, and given the mysterious circumstances, the bomb squad was called. Fortunately, while nothing bad happened, it’s understandable that Quintana and her family would like to relieve themselves from having to take care of the house and the people attracted to it every day.
Walter White’s house from ‘BREAKING BAD’ is now up for sale for $4 million.
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) January 3, 2025
The MLS listing contains more information regarding the property which includes four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a total of 1,910 square feet to call home. The price, however, might make it difficult for the average fan to purchase the location. It’s currently listed at $3,995,000.
Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional updates regarding the house as we have them. The Breaking Bad franchise has certainly left its mark on pop culture and in the real world, and while it’s sad that Quintana and her family have made the choice to move away from their family home, one can hope that the house goes to a respectful new owner.