The 1937 animated film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has been in the process of getting a live-action makeover for several years now. The live-action adaptation, promptly-titled Snow White, stars Rachel Zegler as the titular character while the iconic dwarfs will be created using digital effects. Now a new official trailer for Snow White gives fans an idea of what they can expect.
In addition to Zegler as Snow White, however, and the cast of actors used to create the seven dwarfs – the film also stars Gal Gadot as the Evil Queen. The footage seems to depict these iconic Disney characters in a faithful manner, albeit in live-action form, so hopefully it still manages to satisfy longtime fans despite the controversies surrounding the picture.
Here’s the new official trailer for Disney’s live-action adaptation of Snow White:
Marc Webb directed the film which was written by Greta Gerwig and Erin Cressida Wilson. The film has endured a lengthy production period, with principal photography having started way back in 2022, so it’s certainly been a long time coming.
It’ll be interesting to see how this new trailer performs with fans. The first trailer released for Snow White, while positively received by many, was also the most disliked teaser trailer on YouTube. It earned nearly one million dislikes in contrast to the 68,000 likes it did receive during its first three weeks on the platform.
Disney has seen mixed results with their attempts at recreating their beloved animated catalogue in live-action form. Fans praise some films, which have gone on to spawn their own franchises, while others have been critically slammed or otherwise forgotten.
Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional updates regarding Snow White and other upcoming Disney projects as we have them. In the meantime, fans can see Snow White when it hits theaters on March 21, 2025.