Actor Jonathan Majors, known for his role as Kang the Conqueror throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe, was arrested earlier this year for alleged domestic abuse against his now ex-girlfriend. The two were said to be in a vehicle together at the time, with the driver now claiming that the alleged victim was “doing everything” while Jonathan Majors, allegedly, was not.
As shared via People, these statements contradict what the driver was alleged to have stated earlier. The publication notes that the driver previously described Majors as having thrown Jabbari “like a football.” Likewise, Majors’ defense lawyers claim that the driver called Jabbari a “psycho-girl.”
Now, the publication continues, the driver has a completely different statement. The previous descriptions were made as pre-trial statements. Now while in court, the driver – named Naveed Sarwar – spoke through an Urdu interpreter to state the following:
“He was not doing anything,” the driver said regarding Jonathan Majors. He then made his statement towards Jabbari:
“She was doing everything.”
It’s definitely an interesting development for the heated trial which has strong allegations from both sides. As for Majors, he is currently “facing charges of assault in the third degree with intent to cause physical injury, assault in the third degree recklessly causing physical injury, aggravated harassment in the second degree and harassment in the second degree, in connection with an alleged fight between him and Jabbari that spilled onto the streets of Chinatown in March,” the publication reminds.
As for now, Majors pleaded not guilty to the charges, and he currently faces up to a year behind bars. The actor’s film career has already suffered major consequences as a result and his place in the MCU is uncertain. Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional updates as we have them. For now, we’ll have to see how this trial between Majors and Jabbari continues.