The Marvel Cinematic Universe has introduced numerous superhero characters over the years, from major players to obscure favorites. One of the biggest surprises is when they worked out a deal with Sony to include Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War and several additional films. Now Marvel has revealed the a change for an upcoming project with the beloved webslinger.
The MCU already has several Spider-Man movies including Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and Spider-Man: No Way Home. The three films build a trilogy that firmly establishes Peter Parker’s place as the iconic webslinger. Of course, fans still have many questions about his role, and some of those will be answered in this latest upcoming project.
After all, much of Peter Parker’s earliest adventures happened prior to the events of Captain America: Civil War. This means there are plenty of details that fans don’t have regarding the character. Marvel Studios will be rectifying this, however, with a brand-new Disney Plus series.
It has been revealed that the animated series Spider-Man: Freshman Year has been retitled as Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and will focus on the superhero’s early career as a crimefighter. Marvel recently shared the first footage from the new series – which included the name change – during a special screening. The screening included the first two episodes of Marvel’s What If…? Season 2 and a sizzle reel featuring other upcoming animated projects.
‘Spider-Man: Freshman Year’ has been renamed.
‘Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’ is the new title.
— ScreenTime (@screentime) December 12, 2023
It’s Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, however, that definitely caught the attention of Marvel fans. After all, everyone’s interested in seeing Peter Parker‘s MCU backstory. And what we do know from the footage they showed is that it featured “Spidey swinging around in a new proto spider suit.” Unfortunately, we don’t have any additional looks at the series outside of the description for this exclusive sizzle reel.
Hopefully we’ll have more details regarding the series soon. Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is scheduled to hit Disney Plus in 2024. Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional updates as we have them.