The internet is very impatient. I just want to say that. Instead of waiting for the Ultimate Edition of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice on July 19th, it has already been leaked. Of everything that edition holds, that the theatrical cut didn’t, was the role of Jena Malone.
Spoilers for that edition lie ahead. So, if you still want to wait for the Blu-Ray release, here’s your chance to avert your eyes.
I would have swore that she was confirmed to be Barbara Gordon. Well, I guess she isn’t. And she’s not the Carrie Kelly Robin either. According to this Youtube video of the end credits of the Ultimate Edition, (that has already been removed) she is Jenet Klyburn.
Who the hell is Jenet Klyburn, you ask? Well, evidently, she’s a big wig over at STAR Labs.
STAR Labs has been a major setting on The Flash show in the Arrowverse. On Smallville, it was ran by Professor Emil Hamilton, instead of Harrison Wells. Professor Hamilton has made his way into the DCEU, as played by Richard Schiff. Perhaps the DCEU will connect Hamilton and Malone’s character to be featured in the upcoming The Flash and Cyborg movies.
Silas Stone, Cyborg’s father and creator, and another STAR Labs personnel, made his appearance in BvS. Sure, the movies may not connect with the shows. But hopefully they’ll build to something as special as the Marvel movies.
Source: Reddit