Marvel Studios is known for its ability to create memorable villains that challenge the franchise’s beloved superheroes. Following the end of the highly successful Infinity Saga, the studio was faced with the daunting task of finding a new big bad villain. The initial plan was to introduce Kang the Conqueror, portrayed by Jonathan Majors in the Loki series. However, legal issues surrounding Majors have put his future in question, forcing Marvel to consider alternative plans for the MCU.
According to Variety, in September, Marvel held its annual retreat, where studio executives gathered to discuss the future of the franchise. One of the biggest topics of concern was the uncertainty surrounding Jonathan Majors and the need for a backup plan. Marvel is known for its precise planning and interconnected storytelling, so the decision to pivot away from Kang was definitely one that was not taken lightly.
One potential replacement that was discussed at the retreat was Victor von Doom, better known as Doctor Doom. One of Marvel’s better known villains and also known for his high intelligence, mastery of technology and magic, and iconic suit of powered armor, Doom has long been a formidable adversary for the Fantastic Four. Marvel has considered fast-tracking him to main villain status, potentially making him the next big bad in the MCU.
With Jonathan Majors’ future as Kang uncertain, Doctor Doom presents an intriguing alternative for Marvel Studios. The character’s rich history and complex motivations make him a compelling choice as the next major villain. Additionally, Doctor Doom’s aforementioned connection to the Fantastic Four opens up new possibilities for crossover storylines and the introduction of other iconic Marvel characters.
As Marvel continues to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the MCU, fans eagerly await news of the studio’s next move. Will Doctor Doom rise to become the next big bad, or will Marvel surprise us with another unexpected choice? With the report also suggesting that the studio is looking to bring back the original Avengers cast, only one thing is certain: we will just have to wait and see what happens.