The Scream movie franchise was successfully revived with a fifth installment in 2022. This was followed by a sixth installment, Scream VI, earlier this year. Both films featured Jenna Ortega, whose career has blown up exponentially, though a new report promises an exciting update for fans hoping to see her return for Scream 7.
Jenna Ortega’s upcoming projects so far include finishing the strike-impacted Beetlejuice 2, which was about “99% done” according to director Tim Burton, and the entirety of Wednesday Season 2. As such, her schedule is packed, which some fans suspected meant that Jenna Ortega wouldn’t return for Scream 7. Now The Wrap reports otherwise with their Scream 7 update.
According to the publication, in spite of her busy schedule, Jenna Ortega is reportedly still committed to appear in Scream 7. This is no doubt exciting news for fans of both Ortega and Scream. Especially given how much her character, Tara Carpenter, has become a fan-favorite within both Scream (2022) and Scream VI.
Other details for the seventh film are still scarce. Though the previous two films did enough world-building to easily expand the story, they were also stand-alone tales, and they didn’t leave many loose ends. Nevertheless, the Scream film has always operated as such, so there’ll no doubt be yet another exciting whodunit mystery to piece together.
For now, we know that director Christopher Landon is attached to direct the new film. His credits include the hit horror comedy films Happy Death Day and Freaky, so he’s considered a perfect fit for the franchise. It’ll be interesting to see what his brand of filmmaking has to offer the Scream franchise and its beloved characters and stories.
Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional news regarding Jenna Ortega and the production of Scream 7 as we have it. For now, fans can tune into the latest installment on Paramount Plus, while most of the films have also been released on 4K UHD for those who collected physical media.