The Marvel Cinematic Universe truly began when Iron Man was released in 2008. The surprisingly successful comic book movie set the stage for Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man and opened up the doorway to numerous other superhero films and shows. Now Robert Downey Jr. has been asked about a return as Iron Man in a potential Iron Man 4.
Obviously the character sacrificed himself during the events of Avengers: Endgame. The film, which was released in 2019, was a conclusion to everything the MCU had built up to that point. Of course, Marvel began releasing several new phases of films afterward, with the Multiverse becoming a recurring subject.
As such, it seems likely that Robert Downey Jr. could return as a variant of Iron Man if the story were to call for it. This naturally begs the question: What about Iron Man 4? Well, while speaking with extratv, the topic came up when they discussed Tom Cruise’s desire to do a Tropic Thunder sequel. The interviewer soon asked if Iron Man 4 were a possibility then and Downey humorously responded with the following:
“Does he want to do that?” Downey asked, “Tom, don’t take it! Don’t take it!”
Interestingly, Tom Cruise was once offered the chance to play Iron Man before Downey took the part. Thus there have been many reports that he could also appear in the MCU as a variant of Iron Man. Of course, that has yet to happen, so it’s unknown what exactly Marvel has planned for the character. Iron Man is clearly one of the biggest superheroes in their shared universe. It certainly wouldn’t be surprising if he reappeared sooner or later.
Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional Marvel Cinematic Universe updates – including the potential return of Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man – as we have them. For now, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.