Marvel Studios and Sony have been developing the MCU‘s fourth Spider-Man film. The movie will once again see Tom Holland as Peter Parker aka Spider-Man. However, it’s now been reportedly revealed that two familiar MCU villains also nearly appeared in Spider-Man 4 before being scrapped.
The allegedly scrapped villains were reported by insider Daniel Richtman. Interestingly, these characters would have been ones we’ve seen before in the MCU. However, it seems as though the studios ultimately went in another direction. It’s unclear which new characters will be taking their alleged places.
As for the identities of the supposed characters, here’s what Richtman had to say:
“They are still rewriting the script for [Spider-Man 4],” he began. “The original version before they scrapped it had Scorpion and Shocker.“
As mentioned, these characters have already appeared in the MCU. Shocker and Scorpion were both featured in the 2017 film Spider-Man: Homecoming, the first Spider-Man film set in the MCU, and they were portrayed by Bokeem Woodbine and Michael Mando, respectively. They acted as accomplices to Michael Keaton’s Adrian Toomes.
In fact, Michael Mando’s Scorpion even vowed revenge against Spider-Man in the post-credits scene for Homecoming. Of course, this has yet to happen, especially as the Spider-Man storylines have since expanded to include the Multiverse and more iconic villains. If Spider-Man 4 is also scrapping their characters, then it seems less likely that Scorpion will ever get his revenge against the webslinger.
Ultimately, we’ll have to see how Spider-Man 4 turns out and what villains we will get in the film. While fans would likely enjoy getting to see Shocker and Scorpion referenced again, there are still plenty of other characters worth exploring as well. Hopefully Marvel Studios and Sony make the right decisions regarding which ones to utilize.
Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional Spider-Man 4 updates as we have them as well as any other Marvel Cinematic Universe tidbits we have to share. It’ll be interesting to see how Spider-Man 4 ultimately turns out, however, especially with the film having gone through so many changes during its pre-production period.