The Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise began with The Curse of the Black Pearl in 2003. The movie was a monumental success for Disney and several sequels followed, with the last being Dead Men Tell No Tales in 2017. Now Johnny Depp is reportedly being eyed for another potential Pirates of the Caribbean sequel.
This is a surprising development considering Johnny Depp’s current status. The actor notably went through several legal troubles with his ex-wife Amber Heard, and the surrounding controversies seemingly had him blacklisted from Hollywood. However, Depp won a defamation suit against Heard, and he has gradually been working again in the film industry.
Now, according to Variety, this could lead him back to Disney. Though nothing is set in stone, the publication notes that franchise producer Jerry Bruckheimer is working on two different versions of the next Pirates of the Caribbean film. One of these versions, if things work out, is said to utilize Johnny Depp as his beloved character, Jack Sparrow.
One source close to the development of this film issued the following statement:
“Nothing has been ruled out.”
Plenty of fans have certainly been hoping that Johnny Depp and Disney could come to an agreement regarding Pirates of the Caribbean. After all, Depp is one of the highlights of the film franchise. Of course, given the circumstances surrounding Depp and his career, it’s unknown if he’s even willing to negotiate with the studio.
Ultimately, we’ll have to see what happens on that front. If the script that Bruckheimer has been involved with is good enough, however, perhaps it will be enough to entice Depp to return. If not, then perhaps the other script in development will be enough to please fans and allow the franchise to move forward.
Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for more updates regarding the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise and Johnny Depp’s career comeback as we have them. Hopefully more details regarding this new Pirates project will be shared in the near future.